I know you don't forget but I will

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*Possible trigger warning, loves, it's more of a scene then words. But some of you may not enjoy it as much. Thank you for your feedback in my PMs and for voting such little means so much to an amateur writer.*

"Vanessa..." I almost tackle Chris in a hug when he leans down to hold me. "I really didn't mean why I said, Chris." He sighs in annoyance before hugging me tightly to his chest. "I know you didn't, WonderWoman." I feel him rest his chin on the top of my head. "I don't know–I just–I–"
"Shh, you're okay." Chris's voice just screamed sarcasm, he wasn't good at comforting just like Ricky it was in his nature. I had designed them that way and I regretted it painfully now because Chris was a good hugger and he had such a pretty voice. His hand smooths my hair down before he let's me just cry with my arms around his middle and he had one hand on my lower back. When I lifted my head up I wiped my nose to be sure I wouldn't look to disgusting to Chris but I don't think he cared, he just swiped my tears from my cheeks then got up and went back to his movie. "Do you think he'll come back?"

"You managed to free him from your head, course not, he's a human somewhere in the world now. It's just you and me now, he's a man who has a job now who woke up not knowing what happened or who he is, he might even have a wife and kids that he'll wake up to love everyday. Hell, he might be on Las Vegas or in Tokyo. I don't know!" Chris was angry about his best friend being gone, and felt even more bad. "How do you know?" Chris looked taken aback and he shook his head and didn't say anything. "Chris, he's a man I created from my imagination he couldn't turn human!"

"You're wrong! He was never your imagination he possessed you!" I cross my arms over my chest the last thing I needed was another man crying or setting my house on fire, long story. "Chris, listen, I know you are angry with me for hurting Ricky but we both know I am just arguing with myself and the sooner I figure that out the better off I'll be." I try to explain it, but if my mind was doing this to let me think Ricky was really out there somewhere than maybe someone is try to show me some sign, it's a little comforting thinking about it. "Vanessa, don't you get it? His behavior, my behavior, how we can just vanish when we are exiled from the human we attach to. How we can reappear and disappear just like that. Or are you just that stupid?" Chris spats before standing up from the couch. "It's not your mind trying to let you know Ricky really isn't gone or that this is a dream and you'll wake up a little kid who is going into third grade tomorrow, it's the truth if you can't figure out after the key words I've hinted off, than that's your business." Chris shoves past me upstairs and when I hear the slam of the door I knew he was angered, I knew he was upset, I knew he was telling the truth. But he only gave me pieces to fix together, I got on my computer to research paranormal ghosts and other mythical creatures that could control the mind or their appearance. "Hm, that's interesting." I looked to see that a new heavy metal band was coming to my state tomorrow. "Motionless In White, never heard of them." Must be some really new generation music, but they are touring with Marilyn Manson and Black Veil Brides! I guess I could watch Marilyn and Black Veil Brides then leave, that'd be cool. "Hey! Chris! Want to go to a concert tomorrow?" I needed something to cheer him up and he really liked Marilyn Manson. "Chris?" He wasn't yelling back or even telling me to leave him alone. "You asleep, man?" Guess so.

I bought the tickets before continuing my search. It all lead to dead ends when I looked up Ricky as a ghost or vampire or something like Bill Cypher. I shut down my computer and went to the kitchen to make Chris and I dinner. "Chris! Dinner!" I shout upstairs but he still wasn't answering I am getting worried I should investigate this weird behavior he always comes down for food. I dash upstairs and try to open my bedroom door but it was locked. I felt dread sink to my stomach. "Chris! Chris! Open the door!" I bang on the door as hard as I can but he wouldn't open it. I grab the key from my door sill and unlock the door before opening it. "Chris!" He was lying on the floor and was more pale than usual, I didn't like this sight. "Chris, love?!" The love came from my mouth unexpectedly as I support his head and try to get him to face me. "No! Vanessa, I'll be okay I-I am going try to be like you and Ricky. I'm alright!" He tries to hide his arm from me but I saw black blood dripping down into the floor. "Chris! You hurt yourself!"

"It's okay, I don't feel a thing, the only way I could be human like Ricky is to die, it's how a demon is released into the world without being exiled." Chris sounded like he was in pain though and his eyes shouted for me to help him but I couldn't and soon he was fading, not vanishing like Ricky but fading away from me. "No! Not you too! Please, Chris, don't go! Who are you going to be when you're human, I need to know!"

"I'll be who I am, Chris Cerulli, I'll just live a different life. I'll look the same, you'll know me when you see me. I know you don't forget but I will, it's not your doings it's mine."
And just like that my last friend was gone and my arms only held thin at but the black blood was still on the white carpet. It soon shifted to a bright red color, like actual blood. "He's human now?" That's when I got it.

Ricky was a demon, I exiled him, he is now a human. Chris was a demon, he died, when his blood turns red it means somewhere out there he was human. Now, I had to find my only friends.

...Leaving my past to the grave, so we can Reincarnate...

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