You're Ricky Olson not James Bond

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I waited for Hayley at the table in Starbucks, my phone had Ricky on the line in case things took a whole different turn. "Maybe she isn't going to show up..." I mutter into the phone, Hayley is already twenty minutes late if she even planned to meet me. "Be positive, V."
"Ricky, if you tell me that one more
time I'll drill more sense in your head that you'll—"
"Vanessa?" I pop my head up to see the familar face of Hayley, her hair is grown out from where se shaved the side off and her face is covered and make up. Her top is low-cut and her jeans hug her waist. "Ah, hey, Hayley!" I place the phone on my lap and hold my coffee close to me. "Hey, I know we ended on bad terms, and I'm real sorry for everything...I'm not trying to like get you ba—"
"Good because I have someone much better now, take a seat." She looks surprised by my assertiveness as she sits across from me. "So, why'd you call me here?"
"Okay, let's cut the shït, I know you tried to make yourself look innocent. But, you aren't, I know that you called that fire at our venue and I know that guy was working for you." Hayley's eyes widen before filling with tears and she begins to sob. "I'm sorry! She made me do it! She said she's give her husband to me and he comes from a powerful family and he has money! You know I wouldn't last five minutes on the streets, I needed that man!" I am finally going to get some anwsers. "Who?"

"Ashley! She came to me and made me an offer! She didn't hold to it though and I killed and hurt so many innocent people! She wanted me to kill you, but I couldn't so she said she wouldn't provide me with a spot on her council, just her damn husband's money." My heart began to beat fast as I feel eyes upon me. "Chris? She was giving up Chris to you?"
"Yeah, I think that was his name..."
I paused before setting my phone back on the table with Ricky still on the line. "Did you catch all that?"
"Yeah, so what do we do now?" Hayley raises an eyebrow. "W-Who's that?"

"A guy who knows what he's doing, You work for us now Hayley rather you like it or not. You are going to be our inside voice, you tell us what they're planning and when they plan to do it. Understood?" She nods, her hands shaking and I can feel the eyes sizing us up. "Ricky, bring all the guys in the parking lot and be ready."
"Yep!" Ricky ends the call. "Now, where is Ashley's Achilles Heel?" We stand from the table and begin to walk out of the shop, Hayley shakes her head. "I-I can't tell you anything about her." I grab her by her shirt and slam her into the walk nearby before moving my arm so it presses on her jugular, she gasp and strains slightly. "I think you forgot, you work for us now!" I let her go and she drops to the ground. "Chris and Braxton, get to her lovers, you get to her...She may mot act it, but those two guys are really valuable to her and not in the romantic way. Get Braxton held hostage and maybe make a few moves on Chris and she'll come to you..." Hayley rubs her throat before coughing slightly, I hear the familiar sound of my car's wheels screeching as Ricky annoyingly slams the breaks. "You're Ricky Olson, not James Bond." I say as he steps out of the car with the guys at hand. "And you are Vanessa Erualli, not the boss of me."

He picks up Hayley by her arm and leads her to the backseat before throwing her into the car, where Ryan and Devin sit. "Chris is driving  this time so you'll have to sit on my lap, Vinny and Josh are waiting for us back at the house with JoJo. How's baby number two doing?" I laugh and pat my stomach. "Ready to kick some demon butt." We climb into the car and Chris begins to drive back home. "I have a bad feeling..." Ryan mutters, I began getting a nauseating feeling at the same time. "Me too..."


On instinct we all drop down except for Chris who slams on the breaks and has to crouch down as well as he can in the seat. That was it. Just one bullet. "Everyone good?" Devin shakes glass from his hair with a 'hmph' and Ryan picks himself up. "No, Hayley's gone." I look back at first expecting to see Hayley bolting sown the street, but no, Ryan meant she is now shot down from a head wound. "Oh my God!" Blood is spattered all in the backseat and on Ryan. Hayley's head is almost gone, it has been no pistol that killed her that's for sure. "Vanessa, don't look you'll stress!" I can't take my eyes away though. "Whoever did this...Was nt just anyone, that's an amazing head shot from at least three hundred out. This was a sniper's act someone who wanted her dead...Well, wanted her dead." Ryan says as he examines the damage to Hayley.
Finally, Ricky pulls me into him, my eyes covered by him. "Just drive....She needs out of here." I began to feel myself doze off into sleep.
"Shh! You can't tell her that!"
"Last I checked I am over twenty-one and you aren't my mother!" My eyes flutter open to see Ricky with his finger on Ryan's chest. "Ryan?" Ryan turns his head to meet eyes with me, he gives a gentle and comforting smile before knocking Ricky's hand away with a huff.
"Well, welcome back!" I sit up and feel a pain in my head. I groan and then clutch my hair in my hands, I feel even more heavy than usual. "How long was I out?" Ryan sits on my bed beside me. "Two days, you gave us a really bad scare. Devin gave you some perscription pain relievers, and then we just had to wait till you woke up."

Ryan pauses and looks at Ricky, who has his arms crossed and his face set in an angry frown. "Now, this guy," Ryan points at Ricky "he never left this room. We told him to get some sleep and he said he'd sleep when he was dead and you were alive." Ricky's pale skin reveals a tint of blush, Ricky grabs Ryan up by his elbow. "That's enough, if you'd let me have someone alone time with my girlfriend that'd be really great, Thing Number One." Ryan laughs and begins walking to the door. "Right, Right! I'll just check on JoJo with Thing Number Two!" Ryan exits my room and closes the door quietly. Ricky plops down onto the bed, he rests his palm on my still growing stomach with a sigh. "We all thought you were really sick...Devin thought you lost the baby from stress and that you got sick from the abortion since there was no blood...I thought I was going to lose you."

Ricky looks at my stomach with tears in his eyes. "And I thought I lost this one too...I thought I'd have to raise JoJo on my own and tell her how much her mother loved her in the small time she knew her..." Guilt settles into my stomach, I made him feel the way I had when I thought Ricky was going to die the day JoJo was born. "I'm sorry I made you worry." I throw my arms over his neck and hug him tightly. I place a kiss on the side of his head to try an reassure him. "It's not your fault, but hey! Did you get some good sleep?" I chuckle silently and nod when I let him go. "Is JoJo okay? How did you guys feed her? Is she—"
"Shh, she is just fine. We...fed her through our own ways'll learn about the more you hang out with Incubi." I begin to stand up and Ricky takes my hands to help me up, he smiles brightly when he sees I am able to walk without wobbling to much. "Hungry?"

I don't realize I am until Ricky mentions food. My stomach growls and I find myself, with heightned senses, smelling food from other houses and hearing the dialouge from my neighbors. "Let's get you something to eat then." I walk downstairs with Ricky to see the whole band around my dining table, talking quietly then completly silencing when they see me. "Oh, hey, Vanessa." Vinny welcomes me with a wave and I wave back with a grin. Ricky tells me to sit by Josh while he makes me some eggs and bacon. "Um...What did I miss?"
"Well, we've had two clans try to attack your house, Braxton sending threat mail, oh yeah! And a all out war has started in the demon world!"
"Vinny! I told you not to tell her!" Ryan hits Vinny with a nearby magazing on his bicep. "Ow! Stop that! I'm human your little promise vows don't work on me!" Vinny hits Ryan back after stealing the People magazine.

"Wait...A war? How'd that start?" I say worridly. Ryan sighs, running his fingers through his hair before clasping them together. "Hayley was a part of Braxton's harlem...She was almost a wife to him in a way, her death was very tragic to him and he thinks we did it since she was last seen with us. Chris's followers and family along with Ricky's followers and family have agreed to go to war with Braxton's. Not to mention my family has been dragged into this as well, and your father's rouge angels have also attacked sections of Braxton's kingdom."
Chris puts his feet up on the table and his hands behind his neck. "Not only is our source of information dead, but we are totally fücked, my army can only take so much. Braxton is strong and his army is not even stronger than him and they are beating my kingdom like we just grew up yesterday. Ricky's kingdom is trying their best..but they're small. He only has two thousands soldiers ready to fight while Braxton has over hundreds of thousands. We aren't winning, and we won't unless you do what we need you to do, Vanessa." Chris looks at me with determined eyes.

"What do I need to do?"

"Marry me and unite your biological parent's army with mine."

*Song: The Outsiders by Black Veil Brides*

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