You used my stage name?

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"I want you to take off the ring first, you don't need to chunk it right away. But, if you set it down for periods of time eventually you won't even notice it's gone." He plays with the accessory on his finger. Ricky's expression shows nothing but hate, his eyes narrow and his hands start to shake while he mumbles words under his breath. He slide the ring off of his finger without any sort of protest and threw it over to his suitcase. I cover the hand that the ring was on with my own, trying to hide the ghost of it. "Look at me." I order when his head was locked on the suitcase. Ricky turns his head to look at me, I make him lay his head on my shoulder when his gaze snaps into the corner of his eyes towards the same area.

"I know thoughts of it disappearing are already going through your mind, take some breaths, think of something else, and concentrate on that subject." A knock at our door jolts Ricky and I from silence, I stand from the bed and open the door to reveal Chris. "Sorry, was I interrupting something?" I roll my eyes and let him threw the door to our room. He plops down on the floor in front of our bed, looking at Ricky. "You okay? You look a bit worried" Ricky shakes his head quickly and scoots further away from Chris. "What'd you do to the over-confident Ricky Horror?" Ricky strikes a look at me that seemed to tell me to not say a word to Chris. "We were asleep before you knocked, he's probably just still waking up." I sit next to Ricky and look at Chris from the bed. "Where's your ring, buddy?"

Ricky shoves his hands under his legs and bites one of his lip rings. "I lost it..." That's when I see it, Chris has a ring too. It was pure black though, not red like Ricky's. It had patterns engraved in it's silver with the word 'Costello' on the black gem in blue. I remember Chris talking about a girl named Ash Costello before, the way he talked about her made her seem nice but, now I was wondering if she had some type of connection with Chris other than friends.

"What a shame, it was the only thing keeping you from getting dragged down to hell and back. Good thing Vanessa came into your life just in time, let's see how long you'll live without it." Ricky almost fell off the bed when Chris moved himself by my side. I knew that Chris was a higher rank than Ricky but, that never stopped Ricky from snapping at him. "Can't you just leave me alone?" Ricky groans, it was the first time he ever showed some type of aggression towards Chris. The guy that had been his best friend just a few days ago and the guy who stood up for him when I got onto him about something.

"All I have to say is you better find it before someone else does." I put myself in between the two and push Chris away like I was messing with him. "Anything you needed besides maybe scaring Ricky to where he doesn't feel safe in his own room?" Chris pushes me onto my back with his hand on my chest while his eyes remain on Ricky. "And I'd take this one too before I change my mind." Chris lifts his hand from me but not before he kisses me behind my ear, like a warning towards Ricky. He hands Ricky another ring from his thumb. "Till you can find your purity ring." Chris walks himself out, leaving Ricky clutching the ring as his breath got heavier and heavier.

"Is there something special about your rings?" Ricky nods and places a white ring on his own thumb this one had the name 'Mckenzie.'
"It's the ring we get when we lose are purity, the one Chris gave me is the one when he came of age to be able to move higher in his ranking the name is of the woman he had to bring to what humans would consider justice but, it's more like slaughtering an innocent woman to me, without the ring Ashley gave me I'm just about powerless. If an Incubas has a purity ring their chances of getting sick is less because there is still lust in a purity ring."

He collapses on the bed, rubbing his face with a string of sentences I couldn't understand under his hands. "I'm scared I'm going to hurt you, Vanessa, I didn't want you to get so close to me. I am not someone you want as a partner." I laugh silently to myself and set myself on his waist, knocking the breath out of him. "You're crazy, Ricky Horror, if you think I am that easy to get rid of." I use his nickname and grab his wrist to see his face. He starts smiling like an idiot when we look at each other. "You used my stage name?" If that's what he wanted to call it and if that's what made him happy then I'd agree with him a hundred percent. "I will as long as you want me to." I lean down and kiss him, releasing his wrist so I could rub his chest and arms and so he could use his strength to pull me down on the bed.

Having him hover over me I'm able to put my legs around him to force his body closer, debating in my head if I was a good kisser, a girl's worse nightmare. It was hard not to think about it when Ricky was trying to escape from me every few seconds, I push the thought away and have my hands travel up to the edge of his shirt. "No, Vanessa, you know better." I ignore him and pull his shirt over his head, flinging it to the side. I tangle my fingers in his long hair as the kiss grew harder and made my head spin slightly, he wasn't pulling away anymore he was encouraging it by removing my own shirt and working with my jeans. "Vanessa! It's Vinny!" Ricky jumps away from me at the sound of Vinny's voice, panting heavily he buries his head into his knees.

"Uh, hold on, Vinny!" I grab a towel from the bathroom and put it around me to make it seem like I was in the middle of dressing in the bathroom. "What is it?" I ask but, Vinny's eyes widen at the sight of me and he turns red while he starts to stutter. "Oh! Well! You see! U-uh, let me come in." Vinny pushes past me and keeps his distance from Ricky. "I'm not going to hurt you, man, it's not like you did it on purpose." Vinny laughs nervously and rubs his eyes, sitting with his back on a corner with Ricky and I's clothes.

"Okay, our father who is in heaven has cleansed me, I'm okay." Vinny clears his throat and folds his hands in his lap.
"Josh told me to say that we are all taking two cars as a band so if some of is to get drunk someone can drive home. He wanted to ask if one of you would be willing to be the Sober Sally." Ricky shrugs and has me close to him with his arm around me. "I can do it, I'm not planning to really drink and Vanessa is underaged for alcohol." Ricky volunteers to take the burden of driving many drunken band members to a tour bus and the having to put up with them for the night.

Vinny apologizes to me more times than I can count before he leaves Ricky and I alone. "Why couldn't he just have come at a better time?" I joke with Ricky who doesn't answer as he starts to get ready for the night. "Poor Vinny, he never really knows where he is sometimes." When Ricky doesn't answer again I turn to see him staring st his bag if clothes. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Ashley's ring....It's gone."

...I have died every day waiting for you...

[Song: A thousand years by Christina Perry.
I apologize for the shortness this was wrote by four in the morning Dakota and edited by a no sleep Edmond. I plan for the next to be some Ricky and Vanessa action because I feel like it would have happened eventually. I will be editing it myself because Edmond is a little boy about reproduction even though he takes Biology Two as an only guy in a class-full of girls. And finally a sweet young (I believe she is under fifteen) girl who has been with Edmond and I since this book began several months ago has requested a Chris Motionless Fanfic AU, however, I would be more than happy to do it if more than one person reads it. Give me some feedback if you'd like to see a Chris Motionless fanfiction AU if your a Chris Motionless fan:)

And thanks to all of you who have been reading and voting the hell out of this. I feel great, Edmond feels great, you should feel great and most importantly the PMs have been awesome in giving us thanks and it really makes our day when you guys say nice things to us or to our story. Also a big thank you to my little Nemo Edmond for updating when I was gone, he fell down the ski slopes a few times and I ran into him once and I bruised his knee and shin a bit. So, go Edmond! Show that mountain who's boss!

Thanks again, babes!]

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