Congratulations, it's a brat

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*I accidentally deleted this whole entire chapter and had to rewrite it all over again along with my Mean Girl chapter for my new book smh this took longer than it should have. And yes i've recently published a new fanfiction, if any of you are into Ethan Dolan check it out and check out his channel with his brother if you have nothing to watch on youtube👉🏼Dolan Twins
but who has listened to Graveyard Shift?? and for those who haven't it is freaking lit and i highly recommend you check that out too. And for some reason wattpad won't let me add a photo, but when they do i'll add the one i wanted to this chapter*

The pain is worse than it was with JoJo, I can hear the bickering out in the hallways as the young girl encourages me throughout the contractions that are getting closer and closer than they were just a few minutes ago. "Everything is going smoothly, just give me a push or two, dear." I didn't even need to be told, I hear the blonde gasp as she stares at my baby, but her face falls to a frown. "W-why won't it cry?" The girl looks all about the room, worry on her face. "Highness?" She yells out to the hallway, when no one appears she quickly darts out of the room after handing me my child, it's another girl. I look at the small baby, her lips are blue and her skin pale white. My bottom lip trembles at the thought of losing something so precious. I hear a loud screech and then a harsh slap to skin, but I am to worried about my child to consider the poor girl outside the door. Soon a tall woman steps into the doorway, her hair perfectly kept and her maroon dress floor length. She has a hourglass figure and long, claw like nails. Her skin is beautifully pale, her makeup is flawless and her heels must be two inches tall.

"Well, well, well, I finally get to meet you as Vanessa," she frowns "hmph. Makes me sick."
She made me leave my baby, even through my protest and kicking and screaming. Ricky has been calming me down, letting me cry and rant. "Who does she think she is—" Ricky puts a hand to my mouth. "Shh, Vanessa, I know you don't like it but she is going to help our baby. You need to respect her and watch what you say to or around her." I huff, cross my arms and look away from him. Yet I did as he recommended and kept my mouth shut. The woman opens the doors just a minute after Ricky left me to pout, my daughter in one arm as her other hand holds the door open.

"Congratulations, it's a brat."

I keep a happy attitude with the lady and take my daughter quickly away from her. Ricky looks over my shoulder at his new baby. "Thank y—"
"Do not thank me, I should be calling the hell-damned angels here to arrest all of you! He should be dead, and my son should be rightfully punished for allowing this to happen!" She glares at the baby in my arms, her face turning slightly red. She sighs before recollecting herself. I didn't dare meet her piercing gaze or talk back, she is as intimidating as everyone says.
"But...I am not going to do that. I am not in the mood for more brawls today, I certainly don't want any angel in my home either." I feel Ricky relax next to me. "Now then!" I jump at her sudden change of voice and body posture. "Anna!" The blonde girl who had assisted me with my labor quickly appears behind the woman. A small scratch on her cheek. "Please, clean those sheets of the blood. Also, I need my consort to my room directly and if you could find someone to show...These people to their rooms." She rolls her eyes at my group before turning to us again. "I want all of you at my throne in an hour, do not be late or I will not be happy."

With that she strides down the hallway like a model would walk down a runway. "Intense..." I mutter, Anna assigns a man to show us to the rooms we will be staying. Ryan let us know he will be staying with his own family and that he got out of the chaos successfully without a mark on him through a letter that is delivered by the same man at Ricky and I's room. "Was that Chris's mother?" I ask as I sit down on the bed with my newborn in my arms. "Well, aren't you just the brightest girl there is." Ricky smirks at me, I roll my eyes and look down at our daughter. "What are we going to name this one?" He sighs and sits down next to me. She has a head full of dark black hair, her eyes are a dark green to where they almost look brown except neither Ricky or I have those kind of eyes. I wonder if it's from a great grandparent. "You seem to be really good at this name stuff." I brush a small wisp of her black hair to the side as I began thinking of names. "Greg doesn't have green eyes, Ricky, I don't think my mother had green eyes either." I bring the strange color to his notice, Ricky glances at his daughter's eyes, but shakes his head. "Azura does, they aren't that dark though, her eyes looks like a forest color rather than a murky green color. Maybe it's her way of blessing her." Out of all the goddesses that could have taken me in I got the one who hated me, I don't want anything she tries to give me.



"I like the name Sawyer, you can pick out the middle name." I tell him, Sawyer's eyes begin to close and soon her breathing is easy as she drifts into sleep. I suppose coming into this world is much harder and tiring than we think. "What am I going to do? When I get up in front of the queen...What am I going to say?" I whisper, Ricky lays his head on my shoulder inhaling longly before exhaling. "Just tell her what you need to tell her, you're going to marry Chris and take that army and destroy anyone who stands up to you...Starting with Braxton, and maybe some day me." My heart sinks and hurts when Ricky practically admits his defeat already, yet after all we have been through...All the hell he has put me through and all the love he has shown me in these past months makes me realize I can't lose him, I love him...But it seems I have to let him go.
Anna takes Sawyer for me while I have a conference with the queen, assuring me that Sawyer is in good hands. The dress I am wearing was leant to me by Anna as well, since my own was a mess from bringing Sawyer into the world. It's a simple, sliming white dress. Floor length and has long flowing sleeves, it will have to do, sorry, Azura. Ricky, Ryan, and Chris are by my sides slightly a few feet back from me as we walk towards the queen's throne. She sits, with a smug look on her face, like she has won already. A man is on her right, his black hair slicked back and those same blood red eyes I have been seeing lately. His nails look a lot like the queen's, but more animal like, sharp and ready to cut someone open at a moment's notice. His face is still except at the corner of his lips where a smirk appears. These people make me feel sick.

I bow to the queen with a roll of my eyes when I am looking at the floor, hoping she didn't notice. I look up and stay quiet till she stands. "Welcome, Persephone, or as you call yourself now, Vanessa. I am Queen Ramona Eileen Ceruelli, I am the one of the five top rulers in this land. Tell me, do you come to ask me another favor or have you finally made a decision on the challenge your suitors will have to face for your hand or are you going to keep being a pathetic animal and hide in the shadows?"
I see Ricky tense out of the corner of my eye, I take a deep breath in and out, knowing what I have to do now. I collect myself and hold my hands together in front of me.

"Queen Ramona, I have given much thought to this decision and if I am being honest it was a hard one. However, I believe it's the right one. I didn't know my other suitors, but the three I do know are a very intriguing three. Two of these men I know can provide for me, I know they could easily help me fulfill my duties if this...uh, land would allow me to lead as well in one of their family's kingdoms." Ramona raises an eyebrow, she wants me to not make a big scene of it I suppose.
"The other man, is vile and cruel, may I say a bit of coward as well. I do not wish to take Braxton as a possible suitor any longer."
Ramona smiles with a nod.
"Very good choice, and how about the others?"

I turn to the two men who I have known for so long, and one I have fallen in love with.
I set myself back with Ramona.
"My other suitor, Ricky, he's been very kind to me ever since I have met him. He's helped me through some very hard times." I look at Ricky, who just gives me a weak smile. "He's strong in many ways, Braxton called him the runt, but I think Ricky is more of a king." I make eye contact with Ramona, who has narrowed her eyes into slits. "However, I know my duty as queen and I know it's not to be made with him either..." Ramona smiles brightly and claps her hands together. "Well! That settles—"
I place my hand up at her, Ramona frowns again before clearing her throat.
"Chris is someone who I have seen at the best of times and the worse of times. He is very bright, very strong, and very mind...You should be proud of him."

"I am." Ramona nods, tilting her head at her son. "Really? Because you have a funny way of showing it." I feel all eyes on me at the comment, I didn't care, she can kill me if she wants I'd rather die anyway.
"Ramona, you maybe queen, but I am actually the on in charge here. You're part of the reason this started, aren't you? You were the one who told these three men I was to be their bride, I was to be there play toy! Well, I am sick and tired of people deciding stuff for me and that's basically what this whole fücked up world is doing! Ramona, I am tired of it all, tired!"

Ramona travels down the stairs with her fist clenched and her guards following closely behind she gets right in my face with teeth gritted together. "I will kill you if you dare make another remark of my position as queen."
I stare back at her as hard as I can, clenching my own fists ready for a fight.

"Then do it, because I challenge you and all the other queens for your thrones."

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