Alice with Josh, Andy with Ashley

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"What do you mean it's gone?!" Ricky begins to throw clothes everywhere and tears the room up trying to find it. "Chris! He knows I'll be vulnerable without it! He took it when he was here!" Ricky kicks a wooden doorway with his black boot. "I'll be back."
"Ricky! Ugh!" He slams the door on his way out, I slide my black dress over my head and ditch the heels to run after Ricky. "Chris! I swear to God!" Ricky shouts at Chris's door as he kicks at it.

"What do you want?" Chris flings the door open to where it smacks the wall behind it with a loud bang. "Are you serious? You took Ryan's ring!" I run to Ricky in time to see him shove Chris violently before inviting himself in. "I didn't take anything from you! Are you crazy?" The two boys are both on the ground with their fist ready to break a few bones. "I'm so fed up with you!" Ricky shouts, Chris is the first puncher and that's when Ricky just snaps. I freeze as the two start kicking, punching, and anything in between. "Ricky, stop! You're going to kill him!" Ricky was winning at that point, Chris was now missing from fatigue and he was getting the worst of it all.

I grab onto Ricky's arm and try to pull him off of Chris. "Vinny! Josh! Devin!" I scream for the two nearest to the room when Ricky brushes me off easily. Vinny and Devin don't get there before Josh, he wasn't mad but he was obviously irritated. Josh and I pull a kicking and cussing Ricky from Chris, his lip us bleeding badly and his stomach is pretty bruised. All Ricky has is a black eye. "And stay away from Vanessa or I will kill you!" Ricky snaps at Chris, but I don't think he is listening at all. I don't really blame him either.

Josh wrestles Ricky out the door, leaving Chris and I alone; something I wasn't a fan of. Chris groans and rolls onto his side, he may have started the whole thing but Ricky sure as hell finished it. Now I could see that Chris is bruised on his ribcage and he has a short cut on his temple. I kneel beside him and touch the wound on his ribcage, making him flinch.
"I'll be right back." I enter the bathroom and wet a towel with warm water before power walking back to Chris.

"You brought this on yourself." I say as I clean the cut and keep a gentle hand on his side. "I didn't take shït from him." Chris mumbles as he lays his head on his bicep, I sigh and decide to stay out of the argument. "Can you sit up?" Chris props himself up on his hands, brushing his hair back with his fingers. "I'm fine, I don't need your charity." Chris drags himself to his feet only to fall on the dresser near by.

"Come on." I roll my eyes and help him over to the bed, Chris doesn't object but I am pretty sure he doesn't like being helped by anyone. Chris leans on the headboard with his legs crossed as he recollects himself. "What's this about me stealing his ring? I thought he lost it." I give a nervous laugh and scratch my head.

"Uhm, funny story. Ricky is way to attached to it and I think it also is another reason he gets so depressed anytime he looks at himself, so I had him take off the ring for a few minutes and just put it by our stuff. Then you came in during those few minutes, automatically talking about it like you knew he didn't have it." I do put the blame on myself for him loosing his ring, maybe I was just jealous about Ashley and this is where jealousy got you.
Something important lost.

"You're so stupid, but I do always see you fix these situations. Did anyone else besides myself went into your room?" I nod, Vinny had been there. But, he wasn't even a demon as far as I knew. "Vinny, but he's not an angel or demon...Is he?" Chris shakes his head and tucks his hair behind his ear, revealing his gauged ears. Ricky has been wanting to start gauging like Chris but, I think it would be better if he didn't turn into another Chris.

"But he is a very good friend of Josh's right now." That sent out a huge red flag, I feel really bad now. Chris got beaten up for something he didn't do, and to top it off he looked like he just came back from taking on a kangaroo in Australia and still had to go to the party later. "Sorry about the whole thing with Ricky, I'll see you at the party." I quickly get up and power walk out the door to see that Josh and Ricky were arguing silently between themselves. "Hey! Will make Greg mad if none of us are down there in fifteen minutes." I point out and grab the collar of Ricky's shirt to drag him to the hotel room without protest.

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