He thinks he's a stud

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Ricky fell out of his chair when the bell announced it was time to move to the next hour. Everyone laughed at his unknown reaction of course, in my opinion I thought it was 'what goes around comes around'. "That's why you don't fall asleep in class." I laugh at him harder than when he fell downstairs as he recollects himself, brushing his black jeans off. "Oh, God, I am dying of laughter." He spats with a glare and taking my backpack from my hand, slinging it over his shoulder. "Hey! My bag!" I grab onto the handle and soon Ricky and I are doing a tug of war over my backpack in the middle of the hallway, we got so many looks of amusement from other students. Ricky was laughing at my attempt before snagging it away.
"I'm carrying it for you, be nice." He puts the straps on both his shoulders and puts an arm around my shoulders with a cocky smile like he could become President over night. "I can carry you too."
"No...Ricky..." I try to get him to leave me alone as he leans down to pick me up. "Ricky!" He flips my legs up into a bridal position and walks me towards my next class with directions from me. "Ugh." I am forcing myself to hold onto his neck to keep myself from falling. "Would you like me to drop your äss on the floor?" He stops when we were a couple of inches from the classroom. I glance down to see the tile floor that had to be concrete under it. "No, I'm good, thanks for carrying me." I say nervously looking down at the ground, that would hurt if he threw me down and probably on my head. "Okay, go learn and don't fall asleep in class." Ricky warns when he sets me down outside the door to my Spanish class. I find a seat next to a girl I hadn't seen yet, she was dressed in high-waisted black skinny jeans with a loose white tank top and a black jacket with her pink hair back in a greasy ponytail. She looked like she jumped out of the movie Grease. "Hey? Are you the new girl?" She looks at me with a nod and looks back to the front of the class as we waited for the minute bell to ring. "My name is Vanessa, I like your style." This gets her to turn a shade of pink with a giggle. "Aw, you're a sweetheart. My name is Elizabeth but you can call me Eliza everyone else does."
"That's a pretty—"

"Cute name." Ricky pushes me out of my spot and onto the floor. "Ow! Ässhole!" I snap as he sits in my seat, admiring Eliza. "What's up?" Eliza has a frown on her lips as Ricky takes in her looks. From her head to hips he had a dirty grin on his face. "Ugh, don't mind him he's a pervert." I grab his jacket and manage to throw him on the floor like he had done to me. "That's Ricky he's just here to talk to the principal, he goes to Lincoln." I explain to her while we watch in amusement of Ricky standing up with anger in his eyes, he was going to explode when we got home but for now I didn't care. I think I had just made a new and true friend. "He thinks he's a stud." We giggle while Ricky plops down in the desk behind me with a huff. "She gets jealous when I talk to other girls that aren't her." Ricky shoots back at me snidely. "Oh, you guys are a thing? I see it! That's so cute! You guys are so cute!" Eliza smiles at Ricky and I, Ricky looks taken aback with a shake of his head. "Well, we aren't together or anything."

"That's to bad you seemed like a sweet guy for her."

"I mean, I take her on a few dates." I snort, he just wanted to impress her because she was the type of girl he'd want to date. Cute hair, a nice body, and adorable personality she had 'Olson's Girl' written all over her. "I got to beat up this jerk who was bullying her." I let him go on because Ricky could not flirt worth a shït and usually ended up making a fool of himself. They talked the whole hour even when we had to be working on a worksheet and I was getting super annoyed with my "boyfriend". "Ricky Olson and Vanessa Erualli, to Mr. Gerdling's office." Ricky pushes himself up out of his seat and follows me out the door to the office, finally we had some quiet time. "You're not going to tell him lies that could get me expelled, right?" I rub my arm as we walk down to the office together. "What do you think I am? Satan?" I raise an eyebrow before looking down. "Well..."

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