Kids are jerks

308 11 3

"They even have a skating rink here? Why don't we stay in hotels like this, Gregory?"

"You bands think you deserve this kind of hotel, you better show it tomorrow at the venue." Greg must be feeling extra sassy tonight, I wonder if it's because he just wants to get on the road. "What do you want to do first?" Ricky yells over the music at me, I smirk at the skating rink like I'm trying to seduce it. "Skating rink it is then!" Ricky takes my hand and leads me through the waves of people towards the counter where we get our skates. "May we accompany you in this skating of the rink?" Alice shows up with Vinny on her arm and Chris close to him. "Why you may, kind lady."

I'm having quite fun trying to get these things on without smacking anyone. "Need help?" Ricky offers, I nod while my cheeks are busy showing off their natural colors. Ricky snaps the buckles of the rollerblades down easily and helps me with standing up as well. "Rollerblades will help you balance better, but you're talented enough to probably fall just standing there." Encouraging words from him as always, what would I do without them?

"Alice!" Vinny slips and falls right back on his äss, lucky for Alice he had a secure grip of her hand and went down with her. "That's what happens when you're in a relationship!" Chris sneers at Ricky, Vinny, Alice, and I. "It's just a matter of time before our stuck up vocalist gets a girl." Ricky snaps and shoves Chris to the floor, causing me to wobble and fall myself with Ricky still attached.

"See what you caused, Vinny!" Chris shouts before managing to stand up without a show of unbalance. Ricky laughs and helps me to my feet, holding my waist so I wouldn't go down again. "Just waiting on you, Vinny." Alice slowly assist Vinny till he is confident enough to go out to the rink. "Ready?" I give Ricky a weak smile and look down at the intimidating rollerblades. "Hey, remember what I said? I'll never let you go." When the five of us reach the rink Vinny and I are already shaken up by the short trip.

"Don't look down, I am the only thing here, look at me, Vanessa." Ricky picks the skating up so easily he is skating backwards while holding my hands to help me learn the basics. "Eyes on me! My face is more important than your feet!" I glance back up in time to see Vinny wipe Chris out as he skates downhill. "Son of bïtch, Vinny!" He shouts at him loud enough for Ricky and I to hear.
"I'm sorry! The hill didn't exactly let me choose my speed, you dïck!"
I giggle and watch Vinny argue to him that he couldn't control himself and Alice had lost his arm.

"Keep listening to them." Ricky says with a wide grin as we come up onto the downhill Vinny screamed down. "Don't you do it." Ricky laughs and slows down near the pile of two. "Ricky Olson!" Chris warns for a second time, I finally realize what he's doing when it': to late. Ricky purposely catches Vinny's skate and crashes down on top of the two. "Damn it!" Chris, at the bottom of the it all, began to try and move free of us. Ricky broke my fall including Vinny and Chris so I wouldn't be hurt. "Vanessa!" Alice screeches and collides into me. "Hey! Chris Cerulli wants out of this deal!" We all laugh at Chris and sit ourselves off of him.

"If any of you ever do that again, I will—" He is cut short by Greg and Ashley tripping over Ricky and right back into Chris. "Hey! You guys joined us on our adventure of ruining Chris's life!" Alice says, Ashley apologizes to Chris, but Gregory sure doesn't. "Haha! You should have gotten out of the way, you dumbäss!" Greg stands up, Chris being Chris just knocks Greg's feet from under him and Greg plants himself on his arm to the cement. Chris sarcastically laughs and flips Greg off. "You should have gotten out of the way, you dumbäss!" We all force ourselves up and decide to let Chris stay with Greg and Ashley to skate with so he wouldn't be third-wheeling.

"Look at you! Smiling while skating!" Ricky and I start back up on our lessons and I find myself having more fun than before our game of knocking Chris down. "Want me to let go?" I agree to let him let my hands go as long as he stayed near me. "Soon you'll be able to be like me." Ricky lifts a leg up and skims his fingers on the floor. "Just because you can doesn't mean you have to!" He chuckles and sets a arm on my waist.

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