...Ricky, I'm scared

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When I wake up I feel Ricky's arms around me firmly with my hand resting on his bare chest. I look up and see his eyes are still shut, I sigh and lay my head back down near his. Today is the day I go back down to that hell and probably I'll not only be seen by my other suitor but might just be murdered by him.
Ricky rolls onto his side so his back is facing me, I place my arms around his figure and hear him sift himself once more before looking back at me. "Did I wake you up?"
"Nope, been up since JoJo woke me up and I've just been trying to get back to sleep." I nod and quickly peck his lips before forcing myself to get up. My stomach hurts and I know it's JoJo's twin, but it's the feeling of dread. I'm frightened, I'm meeting a family and uniting  two armies and possibly getting married to a man I have no feelings for. I suddenly feel the urge to vomit, but hold it back, I place a hand on my stomach where my second baby lays for one more day. I'm still pretty thin for a woman who is pregnant, maybe another demon perk.

"Are you okay?" Ricky's hand finds it way to the small of my back while his fingertips stroke the middle of my back to soothe me. "...Ricky, I'm scared." The weight shifts on the bed as he pulls me into a tight hug from behind, his lips pressing gently on my neck.  "You're the strongest woman I know, Vanessa. I never doubt that, now I know you will get off this bed, get dressed and you will put on that strong expression and face this queen and her followers. Do you hear me?" I sigh and gulp, nodding quickly. "Good, because it's time." I stand to my feet and nearly trip over the parcel on the floor in front of my bed, I raise an eyebrow before picking it up with no context to who it was from. Just my name and Ricky's. "Hey, they were considerate enough to mail our clothes to us." Ricky takes the package and opens it to reveal a white dress embordered with, yes I am saying this, real baby blue gems. "Why would we need their clothes?"

"It's a tradition, when you are going to visit royalty you wear the attire your father or mother wore during their ruling. Until you have children you can't really wear new clothing, and since children have been banned this is my great grandfather's. My whole family on Dad's side was born out unlawful pleasure, which is why I don't have my Father's...Your's is most likely your Mother's. My mom...she took advantage of every man she ever was with, she didn't care if they died if she had a child...Like every other Succubus in that hell hole."

I take the dress out and stare at it, my real Mother wore this as a queen once. "Is your Mother still alive?" Ricky nods before taking out a regal suit. "Just about every Mother of a child is alive, they choose to have their men do the dirty work of war and it's not like we die of old age either, dying by the hands of another deamon is the only way to die other than not having affection from the other gender." My heart speeds up, my Mother could be alive!
"Do you know if...My mom is alive?" I ask as I begin to change into the dress in hope.

"Well, your Mother was human, but if you are speaking of the woman who cast your Dad out of heaven. That would be Azura, she's the mother of orphans of angels. Everyone thinks she is so great, but really she's just a bïtch. She's nice to her sons, but constantly reminds her daughters how much of a sin they are." Well, so much for optimism. "My sister was born from Greg's side though, so is she considered Azura's daughter too?" Ricky shakes his head as he buttons up the white shirt. "Greg already fell when your sister was conceived, she's younger, yes?"
"Yeah...I wish I got that..." I pull up my hair to let Ricky know to zip my dress up, he does as I indicate and laces the dress as well. "I know you didn't have a good start, love, but I promise you that you'll have an amazing future." I turn around to see Ricky giving me a weak smile that did not light up his eyes. "Rather it's with myself or Chris." I feel tears already forming in my eyes as I shake my head while my lip quivers. "No, no, it's going to be you. We'll figure it out." I wrap my arms around him and shut my eyes tightly to prevent the tears from spilling out. Ricky returns the hug and kisses my temple. "You need to go to the living room...They're probably waiting, I'll be down in a second."

I walk into the living room after leaving Ricky be. My dress is floor length and has a drop from the collarbone till right before my naval, the sleeves are long and flowing while the blue gems glitter upon the dress. Azura also offers her crown to me as well has heels I am scared to walk in, the crown silver with blue jems also embedded into it and the heels white with the signature blue gems. I bite my bottom lip as I steady myself in the heels before opening the door to the kitchen where I heard voices. The talking ceases between everyone when they see me walk through the door. I smile and give a wave at the group. "You look beautiful, Vanessa." Vinny finally speaks for the group and I nod in thanks. "So, when do we get this show on the road?" I say with a heavy sigh and relaxation of my arms. I look around the room, Ryan and Chris are dressed formally while everyone else chooses their pajamas still. Chris's suit is black with a red crest on the left side of the chest, I assume it's his family's crest. Ryan wears something that looks much like those prince's in Britian wear, blue and gold bangles with a crown positioned perfectly upon his head.

"Shortly, whenever Ricky is ready, we're going to take a shortcut this time though." Ryan holds up a gold pocket-watch with sapphire jewels near the actual clock. I take the watch in my hand, being sure to not drop it or scratch it. "This?"
"You know those things called Portkeys in Harry Potter?" I nod.
"This basically works the same way we just call it a Placement Clock. My father has it assigned specifically to the demon world so I can visit when I want. I haven't wanted to till now." I hand him the watch back and he returns it to his breast pocket. "Josh, are you and the other guys okay with taking care of JoJo, if something happened could you defend her?" I catch Josh in the middle of sipping his coffee, he sets it down on the table. "I have a couple of friends coming over, a few contacts of mine from hell. We'll be okay."

I don't dare ask who these friends are and how they take care of demons themselves. "Good...Thank you." I hug Josh tightly from the side, in trusting my guardian angel with something I love more than anything and knowing she'll be protected. "Vanessa?" I turn around to see Ricky in the royal suit, it's completely white with a green family crest on the left side like Chris's suit had. "You look like you're ready for anything." I say, smiling as he walks towards us. "Well, the question is, are you ready?" I see Ryan flick open the Placement Clock from the corner of my eye. "As ready as I can be." Ryan instructs us to hold hands while he turns a switch on the back of the watch. The watch's handles begin to tick slowly then speed up quicker within just a few seconds till the handles are spinning rapidly.

"Be careful." Josh's voice is heard in a whisper as the room dissolves in a blurr before recollecting into the dark, scary world of the demons.

*Okay, no, the few friends Josh has recruited are not Sam and Dean😂
I am already working on the mext chapter so i don't leave you guys hanging for another two months*

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