Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Livei stroke her sword against the wood post in the courtyard where they trained. The power of her swing vibrated with a tingling aftershock through her arm. She practiced all day since T'ara had been taken away to the manor only not to return. There was a lot of anxiousness sitting strongly in her mind since their return and only training would lesson the tension inside.

"You gain strength since departure." Esina moved to the training swords on the rack, graving her fingers over them. She was not one for sword fight so she did not tempt to pick one up.

Livei rolled her shoulders, loosening tight muscles. "The tournament taught me things that I did not know I was capable of. I am breathing due to new techniques."

"It is seen." Esina eyes ran over Livei, the lust for her still alive. She took notice to T'ara's absence and hoped to see change in Livei's feelings for the hybrid.

Catching Esina's wondering gaze, Livei thought to answer unspoken question. "She is on a quest for our gracious Lord Thad."

"You keep mocking him...he will have you to chock on your own blood." Edina stepped away from sword rack and walked a few steps beside the wood post as Livei stroke it again.

"Fuck Lord Thad. I gain punishment soon enough." Esina opened mouth to ask why, Livei cutting in before she could ask. "A knight was placed in compromise position because of me."

"You are reckless." Esina stared at Livei as if seeing dark clouds loom over her head. "Did you affront the knight for T'ara?" She said, in an accusatory manner.

Frowning, Livei answered "I did so for me." Livei wanted to not discuss the matters why. "T'ara is not the cause of my hardships."

   Livei ended training, watching the guards begin to open gate. It was clear of what was going to occur. She turned to Esina, content with the future. "I only wish I could not kill the knight."

   Master Cadius and Forqo approached opening gate. Keeping back, the hyena's snarled displeased by the added guards that came in. Lord Thad stood in the middle.

   "My Lord." Master Cadius bowed head. "What brings you—"

   "Bring in the stake." Lord Thad cut off Master Cadius words ordering his men to carry in a long thick wooden stake. It was longer than Forqo's stretched out body and as wide.

   There was no use pretending this not be for her. To be punished in front of who Livei considered brothers and sisters. No regret formed in her heart. Tossing the training sword to the side, Livei would not resist.

   "He comes for you," Esina stated, seeking for confirmation.

   In answer, Lord Thad eyes landed on Livei. The air suddenly got colder and very thin. No wind blew. The clouds hovered over the sun. A perfect sight for Lord Thad to come and cause pain.

   "Grab her," Lord Thad ordered his men. The guards came, hand at hems of their sword.

   "I will not resist." She rather not fight. It was pointless. The hyena's around, stood unsure of what to do. Their bodies were hunched, wanting to attack. Livei was one to be respected by her fellow hyena's. She noticed Forqo's jaw tightening, trying to contain his own hyena.

"Keep fucking distance," Master Cadius warned the hyena's as the rage in their eyes seemed to crowd the guards who were getting nervous.

They seemed not to listen. They took another step forward. Livei felt proud to have them to want to fight for her but now was not the time.

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