Chapter Fifteen

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"My eyes most deceive me to see such elegant beauty pass through my doors." Agar Barster slid from the corner of a hall. The sound of women giggling near, Saerena kept eyes on him as a few more women passed.

She stood center in the front of Agar Barster brothel. She kept her face hidden in a hooded cloak. Her blue gown covered completely by a grey robe.

Despite disguise, Agar Barster knew it was Saerena from her scent alone.

"I forget how good you are at knowing things." Saerena was referring to him knowing information on every detail of people that mattered to him. That was why she was here.

Agar Barster linked his fingers in front of his body, posture erect and proper. He was a thin man but what he lacked in strength, he made up in people's secrets. It would be foolish to consider him a man to trust. He could kill in other ways.

"A man visited you a few nights past." Saerena walked a few steps to painting on the wall. She scrutinized the scenery finding it to be obscuring. "An Orc," Saerena clarified.

Taking a few steps toward Saerena, he observed the painting with her in contentment. He ran the tip of his fingers down the edges of the painting. "I enjoy the finest arts and beauties in life."

"So you do." Saerena took attention from painting turning to Agar Barster in waits for an answer.

His smile was cunning. "I did have a guest who fit that description. A half orc, half elf. He is a man nonetheless." Agar Barster's eyes held to Saerena not averting once.

"I do not see him as one to come here for the visible services you provide." Saerena studied his reactions to her words closely. With Agar Barster, there was always a words game. Choosing her words carefully Saerena knew him to be too slick. "You do offer other services, I am sure of."

Pursing lips, Agar Barster went to the table to pour a drink. There was no point in offering Saerena a glass. She would decline. Taking a few sips of wine, Agar Barster considered his options.

Taking the next step in her bartering; since that was what they were doing, Saerena pulled out a pouch of coins. "I offer you only this."

Agar Barster glanced at the pouch. He was a wealthy man but only through bargains such as these moments. He sold things. Rather that be women or information. He smiled, bowing his head to Saerena in bliss. "I would have shared such knowledge to you my lady, despite coin."

Saerena doubted that, handing it to him. He took it sliding it into his undercoat. "He wanted information about the tournament."

"Kruagus." Saerena smiled when he looked partially surprised. "You did not know I have met him." Saerena tilted her head to side. "Seems your spies are slipping."

Agar Barster smile thinned, not pleased with his lack of knowledge. This changed the game for him. If he did not know what she knew and lied, it could bring hardship later. He had a reputation for having the upper hand. His pride was far more important than losing. Losing was a weakness. "Yes, Kruagus Darkmaw. Bastard son to King Jord Morvan of Tholan."

"What knowledge did he seek in precise order? And please, Barster, try to be scrupulous of giving answers rather than make mistake of forgetting yourself." Saerena knew most of her face was shadowed from Agar Barster but he could still see the narrowing of her eyes.

"I would not attempt to deceive you." Being challenged in manner like this was insult to his character. "He wanted to know if there would be any value to gain from the tournament."

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