Chapter Eleven

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The image above is both Lady Saerena and Livei as they travel to the city

I wanted the them to have a more animated look


Sword at the waist, Livei walked through the front gates of the gladiatorial along with a few others of her kind. Forqo led the way.

Livei anticipated what Lord Thad desired from her kind. She wore an armored skirt with a laced breastplate, much of her stomach and back exposed. Her shoulder armor was stitched to her breastplate around the leather texture with most of her arms uncovered. Livei readjusted her bracers and greaves.

They stopped short of the manor's front doors and alongside its outer walls.

Lord Thad stepped out of his manor and met them at the entrance. His eyes scrutinized the hyenas, nodding his approval.

"I normally rely on my knights to accompany me in times such as this. But...this requires much more than mundane men." Lord Thad savored seeing the hyenas in such discipline. He held out his arm, Saerena coming from behind, hidden in her father's shadows. She latched onto him playing the dutiful daughter.

An elven gold and white carriage approached with two massive horses. Four horsemen were posed at the front with archers at the back.

A squire ran up, opening the door to the carriage. He guided Saerena inside and stepped in next. The door lingered open as he turned and pointed. "You." He pointed to Livei. "In with us."

Livei shifted her glance to Forqo before following Lord Thad's orders. She'd been awoken and told to come with Forqo to accompany Lord Thad with no time to tell T'ara she was leaving. But Livei did not see any reason to sit inside the carriage with Lord Thad and his daughter, neither did she want to be nearby.

Cautiously, Livei entered the carriage, eyeing Lord Thad as if expecting him to attack. She sat across from Saerena and Lord Thad, turning to the sight of the window, and noticing Saerena watching her. A few heartbeats passed when the carriage started to move. Startled, Livei grabbed hold of the edge of the window, feeling closed in.

She repositioned, keeping her eyes on Lord Thad and Saerena. She didn't know what to say or do but stayed silent.

Lord Thad studied Livei, intrigued by the hyena's discomfort. "How is that companion of yours?" Lord Thad asked, with a narrowed gaze.

Livei wasn't going to discuss T'ara behind her back. "Who do you speak of?"

Lord Thad's eyes shifted to Livei like small daggers.

False ignorance was the wrong tactic, but Livei did not want to discuss T'ara with Lord Thad or Saerena. He continued to stare fiercely ready to bring pain upon her.

Livei figured she had to give him something. "She lives with purpose each moon that passes." Her words held suggestion. It was not her intent to cause T'ara more grief from Lord Thad or his men.

"Why have I not killed you yet?" His question was open for an answer. "Through countless times, you brought disrespect to my manor. You have drunk plenty of my mead. So, why do I let you live?"

It was a good question. Livei did not understand why herself. Too many times life should have been snatched away. "Do you know a good seer who speaks highly of me in your sleep?" Livei shrugged, with a small sheepish smile.

Lord Thad shook his head. "See..." A dagger shot toward Livei, pressing firmly against her throat.

Carefully, Livei did not move, not wanting to risk her skin being pierced. Both hands held high to show she was no threat, Livei waiting for him to decide her fate. Sometimes she hated magic when it was being used against her.

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