Chapter 8

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" Stop holding on to the person that has let you go. Move on too."

" A guy can easily dump you as easily dump you if you f*** him just for fun."

Jacob's P.O.V

The dumb incident that had played of with Carol yesterday……. I decided to stay home. I didn't have much to do besides lay down whole day in my room and watch a movie on my flat screen television. It was afternoon already, therefore school's probably over.

I laid present in my under wear and a white t-shirt, scratching what the good lord blessed me with. A huge shaft that could slice the whole world in half, meaning by the time I'm fifty I'll have many kids with many women.

How cool is that? Child support on the other hand though. 

I'm rich but money isn't everything and these girls now are gold diggers.

Anyway's my hands smelled disgusting after I smelt it. I definitely need a bath. I got up and walked to my personal bathroom. It was parallel to a living room space. I had a bath tub, a bathroom, toilet, a sink, mirror and a cupboard for my towels etc.

I snatched of my clothes afterward regained possession of the warm water. I squeezed shampoo  in my hand and massaged it in my hair in different directions. I mocked every inch of me, places that others thought was impossible.

I heard the door bell ring repeatedly.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong

Someone was in a rush, probably one of dad's business partners.

Who can that be now. In the middle of my bath.

"I'm coming" I shouted when I juggled the soap in my hands trying to prevent it from falling.

I got out an wrapped a toilet around my waist and headed down the stairs also opening the door.

I closed it back immediately.

My heart started racing and I was about to run upstairs.

Damn it. It's Carol standing there outside my door wearing a white shirt, black heels and a black skirt reaching her mid thigh, obviously no panties as always so easy access. 

She knocked again and again.  Like she suppose to realise that she's the reason why I stayed home.

"What is it Carol." I said opening the door.

"I missed you today at school. Is everything okay." She said while trying to push herself inside.

"Sure I am.Goodbye , thanks for checking on me." I said slamming the door in her face.

I ignored her, yet she kept on knocking eventually she'll leave. As expected I saw her leave when I peeked through my bedroom upstairs. I finished took my bath and went over to Chad's.

Carol's P.O.V

I stormed off to my car. I can't believe he ignored me. Yet again.

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