Chapter 1 (New school)

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" The second she saw him everything changed."

Rella P.O.V

It was my first day in West mint High I was planning to make a fresh start as a transferred student from St. Madeline High School.

I'm already known well in my old school because of my (Rich Family Heritage), I wanted to keep it a secret here, can't have anyone knowing that my real name was Cinderella Silver, so I changed it to Rella Rivers.

We were in the principal's office with Mrs. Scott, she talked to my mother Nessa River and I about the school and a bunch of other boring things, then dismissed us.

As we walked out of the office doors that was when I saw him.

It seemed as though I've seen him before even knew him. He walked passed me with two of his friends, as I looked at him, he was already looking at me.
It was like we were both moving in slow motion and there wasn't anyone around us.

He was tall, handsome, skinny, his smile will melt away any girls heart, white perfect teeth. He had a tan complexion and also black short curly hair that was slicked with a lot of gel. He wore black jeans that rested just on top of his bottom showing the lining of his underwear, a white jersey that gripped every inch of his muscular body and a Gucci belt, with a white air force shoes.

Every girl stared at him waving. Drooling like a dog when its hungry  like if he's a model or something.

He kept looking at me so I smiled at him and he immediately looked away. I turned my head looking at my mom who was looking at me talking but I couldn't hear a word she said. I was too busy thinking what I did wrong. The bell rang and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Rella!, Did you hear a word I said!", Mom said. I nodded

"Okay well goodbye." She kissed my cheek and waved me goodbye.

I made my way into the hall for assembly.

Jacob's P.O.V

I was sitting with my friends Jake and Chad in the hall this morning when I heard that there was a new transferred student in our school.

Everyone was talking about her as if they knew her. Some said she was ugly even looked like a nerd. My friends and I were very earged to see her, so we all decided to walk pass the office together to get a look at this mysterious girl.

We walked passed the office doors my heart stopped instantly when I saw her. I felted like I have seen her before or knew her. I looked at her and then she looked at me.

She was short, slim, tan complexion, she wore purple glasses probably her favorite color, long black curly hair and she had the most unique smile that I never saw in a girl before that was filling my soul with love. She wasn't ugly at all, she just looked nerdy. She wore a baggy jersey, even a bell bottom pants from the 70's. No one wear those anymore.

Everything was moving in fast motion until she smiled at me, I immediately looked away because I didn't wanted her to think that she could get into my head like these girls at this school. They only wanted two things : money and to drain your heart until there's nothing left.

I was heart broken before and I will never let it happen again.

The bell rang and I was brought out of my thoughts just in time to , I would of walked straight into the freshly painted pole.

In my mind I said " Thank god I was saved by the bell".

I entered the hall with a bunch of students rushing behind. I was shocked a slight chill went down my spine, she was in my class and I stood behind her in the line.

I said to myself softly "Heavens, help me don't tell me I'm falling in love again!"




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