Chapter 5

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" Nothing is better than having a whore try to impress you mom."

"Silence is more deadly than saying anything at all."

Kayde's P.O.V

I got out of the car when it was parked in the driveway, walked straight to the front door and opened it. I ran upstairs straight to my room and slammed the bedroom door.

"Kay is everything alright?" my mom asked.

"Yes, Im fine mom." I shouted.

"Dinner will be ready in a hour, would you like to talk about your day today?" she asked.

"No thanks , I'm not hungry, mmm… mmyyy…. my day it was awesome." I said in sacarism.

I hoped she bought it though. It felt like she did, because she didn't ask anything after that.

I dont want to hear her lectures, its so boring and besides I'm not in the talking mood any way.

I picked up the picture frame that was on the drawer beside my bed. It was a picture of my real mom.

Her name was Kay. I was named after her and my adopted mother Layde. That's how I got the name Kayde. My mother's dead. She died when I was 3 years old, I barely even remembered her. All I know is that , Layde is my moms bestfriend and she promised to take me in so after her death so.

Here I am. Useless nothing more than a adopted child.

Tragic, isn't it?

Being adopted and then running away because you found out late. Layde told me the truth since I started kinder garden. I chose to call her my mom because she was there for me and I love her.

I stared at the picture and hugged it.

My real mom looks just like me. She was slim, tan in  complexion, her eyes were blue , I saw it because she didn't wore any glasses , long black curly hair that balanced on her shoulders and she had the most perfect smile.

My adopted mom doesn't look anything like me. She had blonde hair that reached mid way on her back, blue eyes that was covered by the lens of her glasses and slightly skinny.

"Oh mom I wished you was here with me. My life probably would have been better. "

I placed the picture back on the drawer and fell asleep. 

Jacob P.O.V

I didnt even bother myself to lime over at Jake's with Chad. Their more annoying than usual. They talked about her the whole ride. I parked the car in the drive way and walked towards the front door.

"Huh their so ….." I said.

"Their so what Jake…..? ,Who's they?" she said.

I didnt even know I had already reached inside and my mom is sitting in the living room watching tv. 

"No one mom, really no one."

"How was your day sweetheart." Mom said.

"Fine. Wish I could stay and chat but I got tons and tons of homework, Love you bye." I said and ran up the stairs.

"Love you too. Dinner will be ready in 2 hours okay. she said aloud.

"Yeah." I said and laid down on my bed.

My mind reflected on her. The way she laughed. Her smile gives my heart a warm feeling. Her skin is smooth, I knew this because I grabbed her hands. Everything is amazing about her.

I remembered everything. I was happy just laying there thinking about her. Wondering what she is doing, even eating.

The best thing for me to do now is to avoid her at all cost, it's what's best for the both of us. I thought to myself.

"Impossible!" My mind shouted.

I was so sleepy I feel asleep without knowing.

"Knock, Knock, Knock."

"Jake! Can I come in?" my mom called.

" Sure. Mom. I said with a sleepy voice.

She walked beside me and sat on my bed. "Jake dinner's ready."

"Okay mom I'll be down in a minute." I said still sleepy and tired.

"Bu…Buttt Carol's here and she brought cookies. She baked them for you. It's your favourite chocolate chips." she said.

I was suddenly awaken and all of my tiredness had disappeared as I sat upright rubbing my eyes to see if I was dreaming.

"What are you doing.

What does she want. I said under my breath.

"What?" my mom said with a questioning face.

"Oh. Nothing mom. I'll be down in a minute or more. Im tired even more all of a sudden, and besides I got homework to do." I said as I laid back down to cool my headache.

She got up and pulled me off my bed. "No! Your going down those stairs even if I have to drag you." 

"She is your guest okay. Lets go."

As I walked down stairs there the witch was herself, sitting on the sofa, looking all innocent in decent clothes.

Since when?

She's really trying hard to impress my mom.

Isn't she?

Isn't she?

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