Hogsmeade pt. 2

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I waited at the great hall, eating breakfast. My plate was piled with pretty much all the food they were serving. The food here is way better the food back at Durmstrang. I should probably thank the house elves for all this amazing food. I wonder were Viktor is? He promised me that we would go to Hogsmeade together, but recently He's been hanging out with Hermione and I don't know if they're going out or just friends. I've always been his only girl friend, but if he is making more friends then I guess thats good. I just hope he still remeberes our friendship too.

I looked up and saw him entering the great hall with Hermione. I think hermione is a good person I just hope she doesn't get into a relationship with Viktor. I dont really have a reason I just don't like the idea of Viktor being anyones boyfriend.

I decided to just ignore it for now and act like my normal self, so I stood up on the benches and yelled," HEY OVER HERE," while waving my arms around.

Viktor spotted me and jogged over. He grabbed my waist and twirled me around. I was laughing and hitting his back so he would put me on my feet again. He eventually sat me on the bench while he sat beside me and Hermione sat in front of us.

"Raven what are you wearing?" Asked Hermione as she sat down at the table.

"Oh do you like it? I don't know, I felt like my outfit needed something, so I looked around my room and found this headband and I like wearing things outside the box so now it's part of my outfit." I responded.

I continue talking with Harry and Ron when Victor leaned into my ear and said," I really like the headband, you look beautiful." I looked at him and smiled, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze.

We all talked and ate breakfast with Harry and Ron. Viktor and I would have small conversations in Russian and laugh with each other, not noticing others looking at us. We all decided we would go to Hogsmeade together.

We got up and walked to the entrance and went on our way to Zonkos. We walked in and I was amazed at how much stuff they had. I saw a rubber chicken and several other pranks, I laughed and grabbed Viktors hand. I pulled him to where the chicken was. We laughed at the simple yet funny object, not realizing that we were still holding hands.

When we exited the joke shop, we finally noticed our hand holding. We looked up at each other and as soon as i was going to let go he pulled me closer and squezzed my hand. We smilled and I looked the other way, hiding my blush. I've never really been one to blush, but for some reason Victor tends to make it happen a lot. People at Durmstrang would sometimes tease me about it but I usually just ignore it.

We moved onto The Three Broomsticks and ordered butterbeer. We all sat in a booth together. I noticed that Hermione and Viktor would also have small conversations with each other. I let go of his hand and he looked at me a little hurt, but I knew if I were Hermione and I had feelings for Vik, I wouldn't want another girl holding his hand. I looked away and drank my butterbeer. I decided to start a conversation with Harry and Ron.

"So I heard you were having trouble with learning new spells. If you need any help just ask me. I've already finished and learned all of your curriculem till the first year of Auror training." I told him and also looked at Vik,"You too Vik. I'll be happy to help both of you."

"Ravin has already taken the exam to become an Auror and healer, but her parents want her to finish Durmstrang. She has a a special routine that the Aurors have set up for her. She gets to go to school, train for quiditch and be in the Auror Academy, but for all of this to be possible she has to stay in Durmstrang, it's a requirement." Vik states looking at me with a smile.

"But how is that possible? Don't you still have to take school classes and how do you have time to take care of all of your animals?" Hermione asked looking at me with shock and I could tell that she was a bit envious.

"I've passed them all. I get trained and take test during the summer to get the credit. As for my animals, well I take them with me" I reply looking at her.

"What about quiditch training?" Harry asks looking at me.

"I train and workout all year. We meet with the team every month and since im not technically a player I can do that." I reply finishing my butterbeer. I stand up and tell them I have to go to the bathroom.

3rd POV

When Ravin got up to go to the bathroom we all looked at each other until Ron says,"Wow, that girl could graduate already and we're barely in our fourth year."

"It's impressive, but I don't understand how the ministry gave the approval to allow this to happen. There are rules that do not allow people to enter the academy." Hermione stated looking at Viktor confused and wondering if he knew the answer to how she got excepted to become an Auror and healer.

"All I know is that she tries hard and studies a lot. She deserves to be in the academy." Viktor said with a tone of finality.

"I think its great that she gets to study ahead. She helps others, shes nice and I think she truly does desrve to be in the academy." Harry said and with that topic of conversation ended until Ravin came back from the bathroom and sat down. She started off with talking about how she missed the castle and how she's glad she gets to spend a school year there and not just the summers.

They talked about quiditch, pranks, classes,people they have met and how their families are doing. They made plans for the summer and the breaks. They knew that it was going to be a fun year to spend with their friends and family.

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