Chapter 11: That is HARRY. FREAKING. STYLES!

Start from the beginning

Truthfully, I had pulled her into that closet intending to be closer to her. I just wanted to tell her how I felt about her. It was freaking impossible to get her alone sometimes. Especially with her and Sammy fighting over Niall for his damn Horan hugs. [AN: Hee Hee Hee!] This could be my chance. I was quiet a lot of the time because I wasn’t always good with words. Sure, I often gave the lads advice, but I was terrible at taking my own. Instead of asking Annie out I had told her she would look hot in a wedding dress. Who does that? Gah. I straightened up and looked at her expectant face. This was the perfect lead in. I would tell her that Christine was my best friend, and I needed her help to tell the girl I like that I was in love with her. Then I would tell Annie that she was that girl.

“Christine is my girlfriend,” I said. The words fell from my mouth making my own jaw drop. What the hell was wrong with me? Why would I say that? Sure Christine was hot, but she was like my sister. I had to fix this.

“Y-your girlfriend?” Annie looked like she was choking.

“Anners? Are you okay?” I asked reaching forward. She flinched away from me.

“You have a girlfriend?” I nodded in agreement. Wait. What? Stop nodding you idiot. You don’t have a girlfriend! “B-but we—we are—shit. I’m a freaking homewrecker! I’m the other woman!” She looked like she was going to have a heart attack.

“It’s okay,” I said trying to fix it. Just tell her that Christine isn’t your girlfriend! “Chris and I have an open relationship.” Or dig yourself in even deeper. Could somebody please stop me now?

“No,” Annie said, and I could see the tears at the corners of her eyes. “I’m not that girl. I can’t be that girl. Open relationship or not; I just can’t.”

“Anners, let me explain,” I said, but she was already marching back towards the bus. “Annie please!”

“No, I’m sorry I let whatever this was happen,” Annie said not turning around. I could see her back shaking. Was she crying? Did I cause that? “It won’t happen ever again Zayn.” Then she marched off onto the bus leaving me there standing like an idiot. My phone chimed and I took it out to see a text from Christine.

[CHRISTINE]: Guess who is coming to ur show 2morrow?

Great. Too little. Too late. This was just getting better. I marched into the bus seeing Harry sitting on the couch looking lost and upset. I plunked down next to him and sighed heavily.

“You okay?” Harry asked. Just peachy, I thought.

“Girls are just one big headache,” I groaned covering my face with my hands.

“Don’t I know it,” Harry replied. “Don’t I know it.”


[After Dinner]


He looked so happy, I thought to myself as I watched Louis. Could I really tell him what I saw?

“Hazza, let’s play a game!” Lou suggested bouncing on the couch. We had all eaten dinner and then separated to enjoy the girls’ bus. We were traveling on the bus overnight and would hit LA in the morning. Our manager had told us to decide if we were going to spend the night on our bus or with the girls. Before anyone could decide Liam and Louis had declared that we would be staying on the girls’ bus. We had all changed into sweats and settled into the tiny living area as the night set in. Liam had pulled Sammy onto his lap and they were cooing and sharing kisses. It was more than a little nauseating. Niall was happily eating whatever snacks he could find while watching the TV. Zayn was sitting in a corner moodily texting someone on the phone. I think it was Christine. Annie hadn’t returned from the bunks to eat dinner. She had told Nora that she wasn’t hungry and gone to bed early apparently. Nora had retreated to her small space to get some work done. Who the hell works this late at night?

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