Chapter 12

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So one day when Laurissa had came over Brook was going to tell her everything that had happen to her for a the last couple of months. They started talking and then Laurissa was so surprised by what had happen to her.

Brook "Ok so im going to tell you something that you can't tell anybody else about it"

Laurissa "Ok then go ahead and tell me about this thing"

Brook "So now im now officially Jose's girlfriend and we shared a kiss for the first time"

Laurissa "Ohh wow so you guys had never kissed before and now what he asked you finally kissed him"

Brook "Pretty much but hey at least we're in a relationship so it's better than anything else"

Laurissa "Ok then but why can't I tell this to someone else"

Brook "We agreed that we would tell someone we truly trusted with this"

Laurissa "Ohh ok then I feel so special"

So then days passed and then and it's was getting close to Christmas. Brook and Jose were trying to figure out what to do for the holiday since he also had his daughter to figure out. Then all of sudden they said what if he spend it with his daughter first on Christmas Eve then on Christmas Day he would be with Joseph. Since he goes to different places so they made that plan and that's how it went and Joseph is now 6 months and 10 days old. Then the next day it was Christmas Day and Brook got Joseph up just in time to see his father barely coming in to see him. Then Jose went in Brook's room and was barely getting Joseph dressed. Afterwords they went to the living room to open the presents when all of a sudden you hear a sound.

Brook "What was that sound??"

Jose "What do you mean what sound"

Brook "Nevermind it couldn't have been you Joseph could it have??"

Joseph "Dada"

Brook "Wait you said your first word Joseph"

Aiden "That's great now he can start talking"

Jose "Really that's wonderful"

Brook "Say it again Joseph"

Joseph "Dada"

Jose "He said dada that's just weird I have barely been in his life"

So Brook handed Joseph to Jose and got up and went to her room. Brook was just so sad that after all she did for Joseph so she started to cry. Jose hands Joseph to Brook's mother and went to her room to try to make her feel better. Since she had closed the door Jose knocked on the door and Brook didn't answer at all an then he just started to talk.

Jose "Hey let me in it's not his fault that was his first word"

So then Brook open the door and lets Jose in and he saw that she was just crying so much that he just hugged her and kept her close to him. She was just so devastated and then Jose told her to calm down. She finally stoped crying and then Jose lifted her head up to where she could see him.

Jose "You should be happy that he is learning to talk"

Brook "But he loves you more then me how would you feel if you where in that situation"

Jose "Well I'm not sure but at least im here with you and not someone from your family came to make you feel you better"

Brook "Your right and I love you"

Jose "I love you too"

So they kissed each other and headed back to the living room.

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