Chapter 7

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Brook saw one of the guys outside so she decided to tell him if he could go get Jose.

Brook "Hi um I was wondering if you could get Jose for me"

Ray "He is probably busy but i'll see what I can do for you"

So he went inside to get Jose but they took so long Brook decided to leave instead.

(5 days later)
So then she tried again but this time she saw Angel outside.

Brook "Hi I was wondering if you could get Jose for me"

Angel "Why don't you go inside to get him instead of me"

Brook "Fine then be mean to me"

Angel "You look familiar to me"

Brook "No I don't know you at all I just know Jose"

Angel "How do you know him?????"

Brook "I meet him at a party"

Angel "What party i've been to every party with him"

Brook "Well apparently not so goodbye"

Then he went inside and saw him this time Jose was coming outside that she hesitated. So Brook decided to leave before he could see her. That was her last attempt at telling him for now. Brook saw "Jose" she started to freak out in the inside.

(Two months later)
Brook was at the store with Joseph now that she was had permission to drive by herself to places. She was in women's section looking for clothes for a party (since she was now skinny she had to change all of her clothes) and was looking for a dress to go to her brother's weeding. When all a sudden she bumped into someone when she saw his face and gasped and it was ......

Person "Hey you look familiar to me"

Brook "No, I don't think so......"

Person "Ohh now i remember you were one of my fifteens I was a chambelan for you"

Brook "Ok yes you were how you been"

Person "Well i've been good so tell me how you been"

Brook "Great actually with everything that has happen to me"

Person "Hey so who's baby is that you have with you"

Brook "His actually my child his name is Joseph you want to carry him"

Person "Sure"

So Brook picked up Joseph and handed him to the person Joseph was so happy to be in someone arms. Then there moment got interrupted when Brook got a phone call from Laurissa. Then after she hanged up she got Joseph from person.

Brook "Well it was nice seeing you again but I have to go now see you then"

Person "Ok then bye"

Jose had felt a special connection with Joseph but, couldn't understand it. Then he just had that thing in him that made him fell weirded out.

(Back to Brook)
So she started to head home to go see what was wrong and then saw that her family was there to tell her something. They were trying to convince her to tell Jose he was the father of her child. They wouldn't let her talk so she then told them what had happen at the store but never got to it because she got interrupted. Then they just all calmed down afterwords and were happy that she was going to tell him soon enough.

(So now Joseph was turning 4 months)
Then after they had cut a cake for Joseph, Brook felt like getting ice cream. So she went out to get ice cream with Joseph and when she was about to order she saw Jose walk in and she ran into the restroom. She then came out and just put up with it after she had ordered her ice cream she bumped into Jose again. She could no longer hide the truth from him.

Jose "So now you have time to tell me what had happen to you and how you got pregnant"

Brook "Yeah ok what's your first question"

So then Brook told him everything that had happen to her since they last saw each other.

Jose "Ok then who is the father of your child?"

Brook knew it was time to tell the truth about it but, she was scared of how he would react.

Brook "Ok this is going to sound a little weird but...."

Jose "What do you by mean weird?????"

Brook "Joseph is your son"

Jose "What how in the world is he my son????"

Brook "I told you because of my sickness and if you want you can get a DNA test done with him"

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