Angels and Minister's of Grace: Chapter 1

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Note: If you don't understand what this is, read the former chapter and you'll understand.

For those who do, thank you for reading and I hope that you like it!



Chapter I: Juregen's A-to-Z Guide


Excerpt from: 'JUREGEN'S A-to-Z GUIDE of the UNIVERSE.' Page number 3,569,032, Section: F, Paragraph 2,705.


The First Age, also known as THE BIG BANG, THE DAWN OF TIME, THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE, THE BIRTH OF (INSERT RELIGIOUS DEITY), was the very first stage of our UNIVERSE. According to overall beliefs of the most intelligent CREATURES it is thought that this era existed in the same time before the MULTIVERSE was created, where everything was nothing but a soup of vague concepts; REALITY, SPACE, and TIME did not exist like we know it. LIFE at that time...

"Captain?" Gideon's voice echoed through the dim parlour of the Waverider's office room.

Rip startled at the sudden sound in the overall quiet ship, making his concentration at what he was reading break.

"Yes, Gideon?" he asked, rubbing a hand over his eyes and going back to the words on the page, refocusing on them once more. Around him the engines of the ship continued to hum on peacefully from where they were floating through the time stream.

"Mrs. Hunter is awake in your room," his AI responded, voice toned down to match the darkened lights of the ship. "She's requested that you come back to bed."

Rip sighed, shaking his head slowly. Of course she would.

"Tell Miranda I'll be back in a little bit," he murmured. "Just some research I have to finish up."

... LIFE at that time was far different, and far more powerful. From what little we know those beings did not have MINDS, or indeed even THOUGHTS like ours; to have them now would be like drawing a 3D shape in a 2D world. Nevertheless this detachment from such MORTAL things gave them abilities beyond our comprehension. They were physical representation of fundamental parts of our universe, and existed in a place where those things were nothing but shoddy building blocks...

"Captain, she really is insistent on you coming back to bed," Gideon once more spoke up, sounding a little bit more forceful.

Rip grimaced. "I know, but I need to finish this. It's important."

There was a pause, where apparently Gideon was relaying to Miranda what he'd said and getting an answer. Rip went back to the book.

... Not many of those beings exist anymore today; if they do they're either locked away or in such a deep slumber that they might as well be dead. It is perhaps for the best, as these creatures would do unfathomable harm if they were still aware. Indeed, it would also be merciful; to exist in such a world alone would be a terrible punishment...

Rip scoffed darkly. "You don't say."

... Because of this we have no way of knowing anything about the time through primary sources. However there are a few known RELICS of the First Age in our universes. One of them is the GLION, a silver bow whose arrows are said to be able to hunt down its targets from across the cosmos; it is currently in the position of the KINGDOM OF STARS...

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