1 Year Anniversery Special: The Lost Files.

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I've been doing this for 365 days now please send help.

Basically these are a bunch of headcanons that were either too ridiculous to post originally or were proven wrong.

(Disclaimer: I might have actually posted some of these - I am WAY too lazy to go back and check -and/or made them before I did any of my research on the JSA and believed them to be this massive organisation from another Earth)

(Lord have mercy there is a shit-ton of them)


-Martin felt like the only adult on the team, which is the same reason why he felt like he had to be the reckless one so the others wouldn't make a mistake. (65% sure I did this one)

-Sara loved the feeling of jumping to different times, though she never admitted it. (75% I did this one)

-Oliver or Barry brag about saving the world and then ask the team why they're just lounging around cruising through time. The entire group just glares at them; "I'm sorry, did you save all of time and reality? No? Stop talking then."

-Back in 1958 a part of Sara knew that if the others were to come looking for her the quickest way for them to find her was to join the league of assassins. Even though she didn't know it she was still helping her team help her find her way back home. (Eh, close enough)

-People back in 2017 being rude to Rip because he's a Time Traveller and Eobard Thawne was one, and always just calls him the 'time traveller'; and the rest of the team gets really protective of him and literally at some point Sara has to be physically held back from tearing out Renee's throat. (Man, I wish Rip had been at the crossover I would have seen him murdered five times over)

-If Miranda and Jonas had lived Miranda would be mother henning everyone and be the best of friends with all the girls, and Jonas is like the team's cousin and everyone loves him and Rip would just watch them all with a smile on his face and going like "yup, this is my family. Every single one of them." (D'aww)

-Rip didn't know what emojis or emoticons are, so to mess with him Cisco told him they were an essential part of texting and in an attempt to fit in Rip started using them all the time. Team Arrow and Flash made fun of him behind his back, but then the entire Legends team started using emojis with their texts to know that they have Rip's back and that they're not happy with the others messing with their Captain. Now everyone uses them.

-The Earth where the JSA are from has Leonard Snart's doppelganger as one of the Justice Society's members. (One does not simply be this far from the truth)

-Nate Heywood, despite being as old as most of the team (older than some), is treated much like a little brother, and even acts like one.

-Martin has trading cards of all the masked superhero's, but doesn't tell anyone.

-The team once destroyed a solar system by accident, and though they managed to reverse the damage they were never allowed to touch ANY of the Waverider's buttons again.

-Sara gave the criminals of the team a chance because of her bloodlust from the Lazarus pit.

-The team argue over what color the dress is, and this argument nearly starting World War 4 (World War 3 started because they had 'disagreed' about Alex from Target). (That's a good meme)

-No one that cared for him was there for Martin's first teacher presentation, as neither of his parents or any family member had approved of his career choice. But he did feel better when three people came and congratulated him for his scientific achievements. Their names were Sara Lance, Kendra Saundra, and Ray Palmer. (Wow, I didn't think it was possible to be this far off in timelines)

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