Season 2: A caffeine induced summary

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It turns out my mind couldn't come up with any of the actual names of the characters, and just decided to give them a bunch of nicknames, so here is a helpful list of most of the characters name's.

Nate: History Dude

Mick: Discount Firestorm

Ray: Discount Iron man

Amaya: Jungle girl

Sara: Murder Queen

Rip: Captain McSecret

Martin: EinSTEIN

Jax: Too Pure for this World

Eobard: Quick Asshole

Damien: Magic Asshole

Malcolm: Arrow Knockoff Asshole

Legends: Team Lovable Losers

JSA: Team Foreshadowing

Leonard Snart: Frosty Prodigal Son

Oliver Queen: Angry stick man

(I think you'll be able to figure out the rest)




Sup nerds, this is a summary of season 2 that I challenged myself to write in one go at 3 am:

Episode 1:

This season immediately begins with Char History Dude and Char Angry Stick Man finding out from Char discount Firestorm that Team Lovable Losers have escaped certain complete shittery because homeboy Char Captain McSecret is a self-sacrificing piece of trash and scattered them through time.

History Dude and discount Firestorm put the gang back together again and Quick asshole and Magic asshole team up because we need some sort of plot in this episode!

Episode 2:

Hardy hey, here comes the authorities... kind of!

Char Team Lovable Losers meet Char Team Foreshadowing, and both groups proceed to suck at their jobs. Char EinSTEIN tries to lead but Char Murder Queen is better at literally everything, and History Dude meets his grandfather, Char The Real Captain America.

(Remember him, he's important).

Team Foreshadowing kicks Team Lovable Losers out, and then Char Tex Ryler is immediately killed by Quick Asshole.


(We also meet Char Jungle Girl, who's currently a jerk. Oh there's also an amulet or something...?)

Episode 3:

Jungle Girl tries to murder Team Lovable losers for plot convenience but History Dude is blessed by the power of Jesus and is having none of that shit.

He continues to nearly destroy rural Japan and Char discount Iron man loses his super suit to an ancient dictator.

(The new Time Masters everyone).

Back on the ship EinSTEIN and Char Too Pure for this World find a secret message and armoury from Captain McSecret and are like 'damn, this is bad... let's not tell anyone!"

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