Who Could Love a Psychopath?

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Song of the chapter:
Are You All Good? - breathe.

Jungkook found himself unable to escape his incessant thoughts about you. It was driving him to the brink of madness. He sought solace in the comfort of a plush armchair, hoping that losing himself in a book would offer a temporary respite from his overwhelming feelings for you. But once again, he was proven wrong.

As he turned the pages of the book, its words seemed to blur together, failing to capture his attention. His mind kept wandering back to memories of you, your smile, and the way your laughter lit up a room. He couldn't shake the feeling that his connection with you ran deeper than mere infatuation.

With a sigh, Jungkook closed the book, feeling its weight in his hands. He leaned his head back against the armchair, allowing the soft cushions to embrace him. A gentle smile tugged at his lips, and he marvelled at how a simple thought of you could bring such warmth to his heart.

"Mystery girl," Jungkook whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with longing. "Are you there?"

You, always attuned to his thoughts, responded without hesitation. "Always."

Jungkook sat up straighter, his eyes brightening with anticipation. "I have a question for you," he said, his voice earnest. "When did you realise that you were in love with me?"

You couldn't help but chuckle at his audacity, surprised by his question. "I guess...from the moment I laid eyes on you," you replied, your voice carrying a mix of sincerity and playfulness. "Your kindness, your passion, everything about you made me fall in love instantly."

Jungkook's laughter filled the room, a genuine sound that echoed with joy. "I should have known you'd have an answer like that. You never cease to surprise me."

Curiosity sparked in your voice as you asked, "but why this sudden question? Is something bothering you?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, contemplating his response. "It's nothing, really," he replied, attempting to brush it off. "I was just curious. Can someone with such a dark past and dark future ever find love? Can they truly deserve it?"

A softness resonated in your voice as you reassured him, "everyone deserves love, Jungkook. It's about finding the right person who sees the goodness within you, who accepts you completely."

Jungkook felt a knot loosen in his chest as your words washed over him. They reminded him of a conversation he had with a certain someone not too long ago, when you shared your own wisdom. The memory resurfaced, vivid and undeniable.

"Killers can have hearts too, I guess. They just need the right person to give it to."

His eyes widened, realisation dawning upon him. That's what [Y/N] had said to him only a couple of days ago, when the two of them had coincidentally bumped into each other at the mall.

This couldn't just be a mere coincidence anymore...

Could it?

• • •

The rush coursing through your veins felt like a surge of liquid adrenaline, electrifying your senses with an inexplicable excitement. Every time your eyes met, a tingling sensation caressed your skin, while your heart pounded in your chest, threatening to shatter into countless pieces. Looking into Jungkook's piercing brown eyes was akin to gazing at the sun for too long, a scorching sensation that paradoxically brought you satisfaction. Your chest housed not just butterflies but an entire menagerie, a sickeningly delightful sensation.

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