Love Letter to Satan

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Song of the chapter:
Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish


To my dearest Jeon Jungkook

This marks the fifteenth letter I've penned for you, though you remain unaware of my identity—an intentional veil I aim to uphold. Despite my incessant repetition, I fear your patience with me wanes, and for that, I apologise.

Allow me, once again, to express the depth of my love for you. It is a love that surpasses all bounds, transcending words and encompassing every fibre of my being. In your presence, I discover a language of pure love, as if we share an innate connection. No longer am I confined to solitude; you enter my life like a gentle breeze, breathing new life into my existence. How do you possess such radiance, surpassing mere sunlight? Why do you, and only you, hold the key to my heart? You are not solely an artist, but an idol—the epitome of my admiration.

Except for today, Mr. Jeon Jungkook.

Why, you may wonder? It is because, time and again, you prove inept at concealing a lifeless body. And so, I find myself once more, assuming the role of your clandestine accomplice—a role I willingly accept, because I am devoted to your happiness. Yet, I understand your recent lapse in discretion. Despite your youth—though technically only a year or two older than I—you possess immense talent, a quality I deeply respect. Jeon Jungkook, I know you inside out, because I truly believe that we are kindred spirits.

I comprehend the struggles that beset your writing, I understand that inspiration has eluded you. Your life, too, has fallen prey to monotony. In this, our situations align, as life can indeed be an arid expanse of tedium.

However, don't worry, Mr. Jeon, as I may hold the key to your salvation. Although, it comes at a cost, because my assistance knows no bounds, even at great personal sacrifice. Though unsolicited, my love for you propels me to alleviate your creative stagnation.

Until next time...

Your devoted admirer.


• • •


To whoever the fuck you are, yet again

I'm getting really fucking
bored of this now, mystery psycho bitch.

If you really don't want to show me your face, or finally tell me even so much as your fucking name, then kindly, please fuck off. Also, I can bury a dead body just fine; thank you very much. I don't need you to do absolutely anything for me. Why? Because I don't need you. I never have, I never will and not to mention, I don't even know who the fuck you are.

Plus, who even writes letters to people anymore? You're wasting my ink. I hope you're not an old ass pedophile. If you claim that you love me as much as you say you do—then at the very least, especially after stalking my every fucking move, you could just stop being such an annoying little brat, and give me your goddamn fucking number already so that I can hunt you down once and for all, and then kill you.

Yours sincerely,

Jeon Jungkook.


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