The Black Goat's Egg

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Song of the chapter:
Devil - Two Feet

As you entered the local library, a magnificent red brick Victorian building atop a lofty hill, you pushed open the heavy swing doors and stepped into a room adorned with a breathtaking tiled chessboard floor. The central reception area was surrounded by around fifty shelves, forming a captivating arrangement. Several individuals sat at tables, engrossed in their work. Among them, a man in a thickly knitted sweater was deeply engrossed in the world-renowned classic novel, "Jane Eyre."

Beyond the imposing chestnut doors lay a hidden sanctuary, concealed within the labyrinth of neatly aligned books. Thousands upon thousands of books stood tall, forming a haven of knowledge and escape from the world's troubles. The library's musky scent filled the air, a blend of dust, wisdom, paper, ink, and emotion, evoking a sense of comfort and familiarity.

As you wandered through the maze of shelves, one bookcase captured your attention. It stood out amidst the others, exuding an aura of literary passion. The intricate engravings depicted leaves, autumn berries, and birds in flight, as if created by a kindred spirit who shared your deep love for literature. Invitingly, your fingers traced the spines of the books, savouring their rustic and leather feel, appreciating their physical presence even if the stories inside were not real.

Your curious eyes roamed along the ancient bookcase, ascending to the top where your favourite horror books resided. Among the familiar titles like "Dracula" and "Flowers In The Attic," one book caught your attention: "Guilty Pleasures." A rush of happiness and excitement coursed through you, igniting a spark within.

But just as you reveled in the discovery, the chimes of the front door broke the silence, signalling the arrival of a new visitor to the library. Intrigued, you strained your eyes to catch a glimpse of the newcomer. Dressed in a loose, black silk shirt and trousers, the man possessed an allure that captivated your senses. His tousled chocolate hair exuded an air of effortless charm, and his mesmerising brown eyes held an enigmatic depth. With distinctive cheekbones and an angular jawline, he appeared devilishly handsome, making your heart race at the mere sight of him. It was Jeon Jungkook once again, your fated connection.

In an instant, your thoughts shifted, your previous interests fading into the background as the image of his face etched itself firmly in your mind. You felt an indescribable pull towards him, an unshakable belief that you were destined for each other, a divine gift from the universe.

Locking eyes with Jungkook, you found yourself momentarily paralysed, your cheeks aflame with heat. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you forced yourself to look away, pretending to be engrossed in the books on the shelf. Your heart raced, and your breathing became erratic as you sought to calm your racing thoughts. Amidst the countless titles, your gaze settled on a book that intrigued you—"The Black Goat's Egg." Although unfamiliar with its contents, the book's controversial reputation piqued your interest.

As you inspected the book's front and back covers, relief washed over you, realising that Jungkook had vanished from the front door. Taking a deep breath, you relaxed and focused on the book in your hands, ready to delve into its intriguing pages.

Suddenly, a gentle, icy touch caressed your fingers, sending a flutter through your pulse. You squeaked in surprise, reflexively shutting your eyes before turning around to face the source of the touch.

There stood Jeon Jungkook, towering above you, his lips curling into a faint, mischievous smile.

Startled, you managed to stammer, "um...hello?"

"The Black Goat's Egg," he remarked, nodding approvingly. With graceful movements, he took the book from your hands and examined the ornate gold embellishments on the cover. "Well, that's quite an interesting choice, especially for someone like you."

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