Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

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Song of the chapter:
See You Assholes Later - Labrinth

The church, humble and worn, carried the scent of old cigarette smoke, adorned with plastic stained windows. Metal benches replaced traditional pews, and a shiny tiled floor hinted at the humble surroundings reminiscent of a Vegas chapel. Yet, within these simple walls, your salvation unfolded, a sacred haven that always held a special place in your heart.

The children in the choir, adorned in smocks, fidgeted and whispered throughout the service. While their antics might have drawn disapproving glances from the elders, their voices, sweet as rain after August heat, silenced any complaints. The echoes of their harmonious song reached the rafters, transcending the masonry and spreading into the graveyard beyond. Innocent in their motives, the children confessed that their motivation to sing so beautifully was none other than Mrs. Kim's weekly chocolate cake, a post-sermon reward.

Yet, for you, the church served a more profound purpose, a connection to God, the divine force that led you to encounter Jeon Jungkook. You acknowledged your role as a keeper of His trust, a responsibility you realised you had shattered.

According to Catholic doctrine, the absolution of mortal sins required the sacred act of confession. Here, within the confessional stall of your local church, you found yourself seeking redemption. The wooden structure provided a barrier between you and the priest, allowing you to confess without the nervousness of being seen. You were clad entirely in black, a symbolic mourning for the loss of your dignity, pride, and the former self you felt slipping away.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Help me accept responsibility, repent, seek your forgiveness, and live faithfully for you."

The priest, hidden behind the wooden partition, offered a deep and warm voice, free of judgment, creating an atmosphere of sincerity that allowed you to unburden your guilt.

"What troubles you, my child?" He asked, encouraging you to share your struggles.

You sighed, running your fingers through your hair with a sense of despair. "I succumbed to inebriation, performed at a speakeasy with strippers, and tried to make my boyfriend want only me. The only good news here is that it worked. Thank God."

The priest cleared his throat, gently guiding the conversation away from vulgar language. Embarrassment painted your cheeks, but there was no turning back.

"I'm not usually like this. I don't know what's been going on with me lately," you confessed.

"It's not uncommon for a young woman of your age to explore outside your faith," the priest reassured. "At this age, it's hard to stay true to your virtue."

The weight of your actions continued to hang heavily until the priest suggested a different approach to punishment.

"How about some food for thought, instead?" He offered, encouraging introspection. "Don't drink. Keep your clothes on. Try avoiding those who might lead you astray, even your boyfriend. You don't have to break up with him, but maybe distance yourself a little."

"I certainly plan to," you affirmed. "I won't speak to him today. He's the one who tempted me in the first place. Thank you, Father, for your advice."

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