Sacrificial Lamb

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Song of the chapter:
Red Flags And Long Nights - She Wants Revenge

Lee Sunmi.

A captivating enigma, radiating an air of mystery and allure. Her presence commanded attention, drawing gazes like a moth to a flame. Her hair cascaded down her back in ebony waves, like a waterfall of darkness against her porcelain skin. Her eyes held a mesmerising hue, a fusion of icy grey and ethereal green, like hidden secrets veiled beneath a wintry landscape. As the sun's rays caressed her lustrous locks, they transformed into strands of midnight black that shimmered with a touch of iridescence, reminiscent of the enchanting dance of the northern lights.

Jungkook sat in anticipation, his heart racing as he waited for the dancers to perform, particularly for Lee Sunmi. Yet, amidst his excitement, a sense of unease gnawed at him. Could it truly be this simple? There had to be a catch, a twist that eluded him. He knew you well enough to understand that you wouldn't reveal yourself so easily. However, Namjoon's description of Lee Sunmi matched his idea of the mystery girl perfectly, including the chilling creative writing essay she had written, centred around themes of murder and obsession.

With bated breath, he witnessed her emergence, claiming the centre stage. Lee Sunmi moved with an ethereal grace, her body fluid and expressive, a living embodiment of the music that flowed through her veins. Yet, as the performance unfolded, other women joined her, clad in bell-adorned silk, their seductive movements captivating the audience's attention. The cheers and catcalls from the men around him grated on Jungkook's nerves, leaving him uneasy.

Something felt amiss.

His mystery girl would never expose herself so recklessly, disregarding her deeply ingrained religious beliefs and the moral code that defined her. This couldn't be her. Jungkook's gaze locked with Sunmi's as she swayed and undulated, an enticing dance that seemed to lure everyone but him. This provocative display, meant to seduce, felt incongruous with his perception of the mystery girl. It was a trap, a cunning ploy.

Frustrated, Jungkook rose from his seat and exited the theatre, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Unbeknownst to him, Lee Sunmi followed him, her seductive voice caressing his name. Startled, he turned to face her, acknowledging her undeniable beauty, yet still doubting her true identity. This couldn't be you; it had to be a setup.

"Jeon Jungkook," a seductive, raspy voice called out his name, causing him to spin around to face Sunmi. Although he acknowledged her undeniable beauty and the captivating allure of her eyes, he remained cautious. He couldn't allow himself to be deceived so easily. This encounter had to be part of a larger scheme, a set-up he needed to unravel. "I heard that you wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Jungkook replied, his tone guarded yet intrigued. "You're an exceptional dancer."

Sunmi blushed, her cheeks tinged with a delicate shade of pink. "Thank you. What made you suddenly want to meet me?"

"I suppose I was intrigued by you," Jungkook admitted, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "You're far from ordinary, and that piqued my curiosity."

Sunmi giggled softly, a mysterious glimmer in her eyes. "Ah, so you've heard about my infamous creative writing essay. The storyline was merely an extended metaphor, a subtle reference to the hidden depths within me. I sometimes feel like an enigma—someone everyone desires to know but can never truly comprehend. Mystery girl—that's who I am."

Jungkook's skepticism wavered slightly. Her words resonated with the essence of his mystery girl, but he remained cautious. He decided to test her further.

"Tell me, what's your favorite colour?" He asked, his gaze intently fixed on her.

"Red," Sunmi answered without hesitation. The coincidence struck him, aligning with the clues his mystery girl had left for him. It seemed too perfect, too orchestrated to be mere chance. Doubt still lingered in Jungkook's mind, but he was starting to consider the possibility.

"Now, let me ask you something," Jungkook challenged, his eyebrows raised. "What's my favourite colour?"

"Red," Sunmi replied, her voice laced with confidence. "It has to be. You radiate dominance, danger, and passion. It's almost intoxicating."

The familiarity of her response, coupled with the seductive energy she exuded, stirred conflicting emotions within Jungkook. He wondered if Sunmi was merely a pawn in the twisted game orchestrated by his mystery girl—an elaborate test to challenge his perception and determination. But deep down, he couldn't ignore the growing possibility that Sunmi might indeed be the one he had been searching for.

Sunmi, skilled in the art of seduction, closed the distance between them, her eyes flickering with a captivating heat. She had successfully caught Jungkook off guard, leaving him nonplussed and questioning his own convictions. She seemed to peer into his very soul, as if she already knew his deepest desires.

Jungkook's heart raced as Sunmi's seductive whisper lingered in his ear. The words echoed with a mix of anticipation and danger, promising a conquest he had long desired. Yet, as he stood face-to-face with her, he felt an unexpected emptiness. The dark fantasies that had consumed his thoughts no longer held the same allure. The thrill of inflicting pain and claiming possession over his mystery girl had dissipated, replaced by an unfamiliar void.

"You've finally found me," Sunmi murmured, her voice dripping with a sultry tone. "So...I suppose I'm all yours now, right?"

Jungkook's gaze faltered, torn between the path he had envisioned and the void he now felt. He had pursued this elusive mystery girl relentlessly, believing her submission to be the ultimate victory. But as he stared into Sunmi's eyes, he couldn't deny the absence of the twisted desire he once held.

Unbeknownst to Jungkook, you watched the scene unfold from a distance, your eyes fixated on the binoculars. You reveled in the fact that Sunmi had become a pawn in your calculated game. She played the role of the sacrificial lamb, a necessary instrument to teach Jungkook a profound lesson. His arrogance and misguided beliefs deserved to be shattered, and you orchestrated it all with meticulous precision.


Enraptured | Jungkook ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang