If Jungkook is the Devil, I am His Advocate

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Song of the chapter:
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys

"Come here, baby," Jungkook cooed playfully, his lower lip forming an adorable pout. It was hard to remember that this attractive man was the epitome of temptation. He extended both arms towards you, and you found yourself lost in his captivating doe-like eyes. "Don't keep me waiting."

"O-Okay," you stuttered, feeling a sudden rush of nerves. A deep blush spread across your [S/C] cheeks.

You stood up abruptly and made your way around the oakwood table to join him. Jungkook's smile widened, his warm chocolate-brown eyes softening. You paused beside him, blushing even harder than before.

Jungkook gently took hold of your hand and, without hesitation, pulled you onto his lap. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his warmth enveloping you. It wasn't your first time in this position, but for some reason, this moment felt different—more intimate, somehow.

The touch of his hand against yours sent sparks racing through your body, igniting every inch of your being. Stiffening at his warm touch, you remained frozen in place.

"Just don't start squirming, and we won't have any issues," Jungkook teased, his grin mischievous. Your heart pounded in your chest as he continued, "you're lucky that last time, I was in a car with others and managed to exercise some self-control. I can't guarantee the same if you catch me off guard again. Let's just say, you'd find yourself bent over my dining table, and—"

"That's enough," you cut him off, your cheeks flushed crimson. Avoiding his seemingly innocent gaze, you looked away. "Thank you. I'm flattered."

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at your response, finding your bashfulness endearing. He was genuinely intrigued by you—or perhaps fascinated was a better word. The idea of you was so outlandish, so incongruous—a devout, virtuous girl who also happened to be a secret stalker. The irony of it all was captivating, and Jungkook couldn't deny the strange allure.

The perfect antagonist for his novel.

Nervously biting your lip, your eyes darted everywhere except Jungkook's. Taking the opportunity, he gently cupped your face, guiding your gaze back to him. Leaning closer, his beautiful brown eyes locked onto yours, delving deep into your soul. "You're stunning."

Your erratic breathing began to calm, softening into a gentler rhythm. The tense expression on your face transformed into a blissful smile as warm as the morning sunlight. Your body gradually relaxed against his, muscles easing their tension.

There was an undeniable power in his hunger-filled gaze, something you knew you wouldn't find in any other man. It felt as though, in that fleeting moment, your souls had merged, becoming one.

You swallowed hard, unable to tear yourself away from the intensity of his gaze. "T-Thank you," you quivered, your voice trembling. This couldn't be real. It just couldn't.

Jungkook was touching you.

He willingly chose to touch you.

He even chose not to harm you, despite having the opportunity.

Jungkook sighed softly, rolling his neck in a soothing motion as his hand gently caressed your arm. He wanted to ease your fears.

"What's troubling you, [Y/N]?" He asked in a soft tone. The sound of your name leaving his lips sent waves of euphoria through your body, mind, and soul. "Why do you seem so scared of me? Do you think I'll grab a butterknife and stab it through your pretty little chest?" He teased, a playful scoff escaping him.

Enraptured | Jungkook ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora