Forever Is a Long Ass Time

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Song of the chapter:
I Feel Like I'm Drowning - Two Feet

You found yourself on the edge of your seat, envisioning a scene straight out of an action movie. Your imagination played out a sniper's prone position, poised to strike, even though it was all in your mind. As you eagerly awaited the arrival of your lover and his unsuspecting victim, anticipation coursed through your veins. The impending chaos promised to be a sight to behold.

Hours had passed, and you remained glued to your computer screen, growing restless. Impatience gnawed at you, making your muscles ache and your feet tingle with pins and needles. You shifted uncomfortably, trying to shake off the discomfort that had settled in.

Despite the physical discomfort, the prospect of Jungkook experiencing his own comeuppance thrilled you. His recent arrogance and overconfidence had pushed him too far, and you yearned to humble his inflated ego. Glancing at your wristwatch, you noted that their arrival was imminent, hoping they would walk through the door any minute now.

As the front door creaked open, you straightened your posture, your heart racing with exhilaration. The sound seemed like a divine answer to your prayers, and a triumphant smile tugged at your lips. The door's closing was accompanied by whispers, giggles, and provocative remarks that would make even the devil blush—a chorus signalling their arrival.

He appeared, your captivating lover, his arms possessively encircling the waist of the sacrificial lamb, Miss Lee Sunmi. It was a part of your grand plan, and today, it seemed that fate was on your side.

Observing them closely, you couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort, a furrow forming between your brows. Witnessing the man you loved wholeheartedly engaging in such intimate acts with another woman was far from pleasant. For a fleeting moment, you closed your eyes, imagining him showering you with the same affection and attention—the real you.

Your eyes, filled with a mixture of jealousy and frustration, fixated on Jungkook's hand as it ventured beneath Sunmi's revealing skirt. But something didn't feel right. Would the real mystery girl dress so provocatively? It didn't align with your sense of morality. Had you forsaken your principles when it came to Jungkook?

"Shouldn't we go to your bedroom first?" Sunmi's voice trembled with desire, breathless anticipation lacing her words. "Although, it's entirely up to you."

"No," Jungkook's lips curled into a smirk resembling a scimitar. "I've waited for this for far too long. And now that I finally have you, everything will be on my terms."

In an instant, they tumbled onto the couch, Jungkook on top of Sunmi, desperately searching her eyes for the familiar connection that had driven him to pursue the mystery girl relentlessly. But it was absent—no sparks, no satisfaction, no thrill. Sunmi was just like any other woman, and it didn't feel right. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, now that he had finally captured his prey.

Frustration filled Jungkook as Sunmi ardently tried to kiss him, her curvaceous body pressing against his own, her desire to dominate him palpable. Yet, he couldn't reciprocate. Sunmi looked perplexed, unable to comprehend his sudden change in demeanour.

"Jungkook?" Her brows furrowed in a mix of concern and confusion. "What's happening? Don't you want me? You were the one who invited me here..."

"You're right," he answered honestly, nodding in agreement. Something still felt off, and he couldn't shake the uneasiness. "I did invite you, but...this doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Sunmi asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Jungkook took a deep breath, searching for the right words to explain his internal turmoil. "Shouldn't you be resisting? I mean, I made it clear that if I found you, you'd be mine. But's just too damn easy. Where's all that talk about not being touched by any man other than your husband? Or the commitment to no sex before marriage? Were you just teasing me?"

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