New York Round 3

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The sun woke them all up the next morning. Within minuets they were walking towards New York again. Olivia clung to Tomas as they passed the outskirts of the city, the sun rising higher and higher with each step they took. No one said anything, Rei was keeping her eyes on the road and Aaron wandered at the back of their pack. 

It was well after noon when they reached a small town. Some people were walking about, carrying wood or clothing. As they walked past, people stared to stare. A man walked up to confront them, 'Who are you?'

'We are soldiers from Washington. We need food, water fresh clothes then we can be on our way.' Rei said crossing her arms, 'And possibly someone who can look at a few wounds.'

'Where you going?' He asked.

'That's none of your business, now what I asked?'

'Of course. Right this way, our local doctor will take a look at your wounds,' he led them to a small house that smelled like antiseptic creams and it was filled with other strange odors. 

The door shut behind them and another door opened on the other side, 'Sorry for the wait, let me...' The doctor looked up and stared at his patients, 'Rei.'

'Marcus, what are you doing here?'

'You two know each other?' Tomas said setting Olivia down.

The man named Marcus nodded, 'We go way back.' The man Marcus was quite tall, although he was hunched over. His features said he was about in his late twenties early thirties but from being out in this town, it looked like he was nearly forty. His light hair was chopped carelessly and his stubble was starting to make a full on beard, his arms were stiff, legs too. He wore a pair of cracked glasses which sat on his broken nose, 'Way back.'

'How'd you get here?' Rei stammered. Aaron touched her arm and she jerked it away, 'Answer me!' Her voice was stronger now but you could still hear the fear in her tone. 

Marcus clicked a pan, 'I've been travelling. I've just been putting some skills to use to help people. Fancy seeing you here though, last I heard you were in Rio, South America?'

She nodded, 'Yes.'

'A friend of mine went down there a little while ago, said he was visiting someone. No matter. Let's take a look at your arm.' He ushered her to a seat and she sat down, never taking her eyes off him. He pulled the sling off and peeled the bandage back, exposing her skin. She winced and the boys got a good look at her arm. Her skin gad been torn away in several places, dried blood was caked on her hands, fresh pink skin was just showing but all around was black and purple bruising, white puss was visible in several areas, her gasped as Marcus put some ointment on it, 'It doesn't look good. It's infected with something, let me examine it again in finer detail. Excuse me boys I'm sorry but can you wait outside.' 

'We want to stay with her.' Olivia grunted.

'I'm sorry but you have to wait outside.'

'Do you have a wheelchair or anything we could use?' Nathaniel asked awkwardly, 'You see, she can't...'

'Oh I see.' Marcus said looking over at Olivia, 'There's one back there if you want it.' 

'Thanks.' Nathaniel ducked behind the door and looked around. He saw it in the back corner and he grabbed it. When he pulled it away from the wall something fell down. Nathaniel bent down and picked it up, wincing. He lifted it to the light and saw it was a photo. He looked for a little longer and saw it was Marcus and Rei. Rei was sitting on a bed, blood covering the sheets. They were both smiling and in their arms was a tiny baby girl. This must be their child...I wonder what happened to her? Nathaniel placed the photo on the table next to him and stared for a few more seconds before returning to the others with the chair. 

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