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Olivia watched Emilie and Aaron closely, 'Those two are unbelievable! Fighting like that in the middle of the street. I better stop them, or better yet...!' She looked at Tomas and he nodded. He walked forward and soon calmed the fight down. Olivia sighed with relief and sat back, her seat felt funny.

Suddenly, a hand clasped around her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. She flailed her arms around her captor avoided her attacks and commenced to drag her body out from the alien car and into another vehicle. She was sat inside a cell and looked around to see several men in masks and a door, like from a jet, shut and suddenly her weight shifted and she realized they were flying, she was in a flying vehicle and the others hadn't seen her. Worried she started to shake the bars and one of the men started shouting at me. Cringing, she shrank back into a corner and something pricked her arm. Her head snapped around and she saw one of the man had stuck a needle in her arm, screaming she reached to hit him but her vision blurred and then she passed out.


Olivia's eyes snapped open. Silence. She whipped her head around trying to see where she was, 'Where am I?' The whole room was white, wires hung from the ceiling, tables with all sorts of instruments or horror stared back at her. Staring down Olivia noticed she was wearing a white robe, having no memory of getting it on, 'Shit.' She tried to move her wrists but she found they were restrained, trying to free herself she grumbled a few words, 'Shit. What are these?'

'Those young lady,' A tall man walked in, long white hair flowing behind him. His pace was graceful, like he was dancing. His flowing white coat fluttered behind him, everything about him screamed, germ-freak. Olivia could smell the disinfectant on his from where she was, 'Are special bonds to keep the rif-raf like you at bay. Now, how did we sleep?' She didn't respond, 'Not well? Well that's too bad.' He smiled, his white teeth nearly blinded her, 'How is your body feeling, well the upper body anyway.' Enraged, she tried breaking free again but failed, 'You'll never get out of those Miss Olivia. Now this is Georgina, she will take a blood sample.'

Olivia winced as the nurse pricked her skin with a needle. She turned whiter than her robe when she saw her blood running into the needle, 'Stay calm deer.' The Nurse smiled sweetly then walked away, with her blood.

'Who are you?' She stammered.

The tall man smiled and walked over, 'I'm the man who's going to get you on your feet again.' He knelt down at her bedside and laid his crossed arms over the white sheets.

Oliva's face burned red, 'No one can cure me, I'll never walk again.' She hissed.

'On the contrary young lady,' he hopped up and grabbed a glass screen and dragged it over to face her. A picture of her skeleton and nerve system, 'You will be able to walk again. With my technology and brain power, you will walk out of here a changed woman.'

'I've been crippled for ten years, how can you undo all that?' She glared at him from her uncomfortable bed.

'Easily dear.'

'Pft,' she scoffed and started to laugh, 'There's a catch, what is it?'

The doctors smile vanished and her looked down at her, 'I assume you don't know where you are, as you were unconscious when you arrived,' he answered himself, 'Olivia, you are currently in one, one of many, medical suites in our hospital in central New York. You are currently in the Alien King's possession.'

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