Chapter 1

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I lay in bed with my head in the pillow mentally crossing my fingers that it was still 3 a.m. Although I guessed my makeup was still on from last night I buried my black, makeup covered face further into my big white pillow. As my room began to fill with the bright light of day, and my back became warm from the heat, my hopes began to fade. Still, I pleaded in my head to be given another hour of sleep. Yeah I know, I should get up and face my day with a smile on my face, because I was living the dream like so many out in the world wish they were… But when you are up until 2 a.m. drinking like there’s no tomorrow, sleep wins the battle. Yet somehow the big horny idiot (A.K.A. my best friend and bass player Ashley) managed to wake up from his comatose state just for the pleasure of messing with my hangover.

In less than two minutes of me ‘waking up’ (even though I hadn’t really left my bed), Ashley and some girl he’d brought home, with black hair and a big tattoo of a raven on her back, stormed into my room with a blow horn and their way too energetic personalities. “ RISE AND SHINE ANDY!” Ashley shouted in my ear after blowing the horn one last time. The ONE night I get wasted without him and he does this! I swear the next time he brings a slut home drunk I’m going to make his life hell in the morning!

“ Shut the fuck up Ashley!” I shouted, still with my head in the pillow. I attempted to throw my clock at him, but missed on account of the fact that I still had my eyes closed. I knew I’d missed as soon as I heard the metallic crashing sound on the floor of my room. Shit… Oh well I never really liked that clock anyways.

“ You gotta do better than that! Try opening your eyes dumb fuck!” Ashley shouted. That guy can have the loudest voice when he wants to. It was like listening to a train run around my room. I managed to muster one eye open just to glare at him. He was wearing black sweat pants and no shirt. His makeup was washed off and his hair was still wet from his shower. The mystery girl’s hair was also soaking wet ($500 says they showered together), and she was just wearing one of Ashley’s oversized KISS shirts that I’ve seen far to many mystery sluts wear. Seriously, that guy has a problem with that. Jinxx and I joke about it all the time. My thoughts were interrupted by Ashley throwing my black skinny jeans at my head. “ I’m serious dude wake up. We have a signing at Hot topic in an hour.”

That got me up pretty quick. No matter how much I hated Ashley at that moment, I knew he was right. I had to get up. I sleepily swung my feet over the side of my bed and made my way to the kitchen of our hotel room. We had signed up to do signings at Hot Topics all over America, so in return they’d gotten us hotel rooms at the most random hotels known to man. They weren’t the nicest, but we all agreed it was better than the tour bus. After grabbing some toast with Skippy Peanut Butter (Super Chunk of course) I half sat half fell onto the couch next to my good ‘ol drinking buddy (A.K.A. our drummer C.C.).

“ Oh my god! Dude do you have to do that so loudly!?” C.C. complained. He’d drank at least as much as me, if not more, the night before and I could only imagine the hangover he had. Jake, Ashley, and mystery girl watched us like we were the most entertaining things on the planted while C.C. and I tried to get ready without making any loud noises. It was a big mix of opening doors REALLY slowly, and keeping lights REALLY low, so our headaches wouldn’t kill us. Jinxx was still in his room and judging from the muffled snores coming from his room Ashley had yet to wake him up.

By the time it was time to leave I’d showered, gotten dressed, and even put on a little makeup. I was wearing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans (yes, the ones Ashley threw at me), about three belts, a black leather vest, and black combat boots with skulls on them. I had a thin (well thin for us) line of black eyeliner and stitches on the side of my face. Even though it wasn’t a show we still liked to give our all to our fans when we greet them. Hangover or not we were ready to meet our loyal army.

I Wont Lose My Fallen Angel ( BVB Fan Fic )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora