Stiles and I walked over, taking seats by the front desk as we were comforting each other on the events that transcribed. Our dad's were gone, taken by Jennifer along with Scott's mom to be used in a ritual for her to gain power or whatever. Either way, it was a kick to the nuts and a punch to the boob kind of day.

I held Stiles hand tight in my own, taking deep breaths as we watched dozens of men in suits, FBI badges hanging from their necks. And suddenly, Stiles and I spotted a familiar figure. The two of us groaned, turning our heads as the familiar FBI agent walked right up to us.

"Freaking fantastic.." I sighed in annoyance while the figure walked right up to us and I looked up to stare at him in the eyes. "Mr. McCall..How nice to see you're still alive. I haven't seen you since before the night you abandoned Scott. And here I was hoping you'd have rotten in hell by now." I glared at him, mentally throwing daggers at the man who broke Scott's heart. I remember sitting up with him for nights, Scott being so heartbroken over his dad leaving him and his mom.

"A Stilinski and a Sandoval at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker." Mr. McCall said, staring down at Stiles and I. "Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?" Mr. McCall asked us.

"If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." Stiles and I both answered back.

"Where's your dad, and why has no one been able to contact him?" Mr. McCall asked Stiles, directing his attention to my boyfriend sitting beside me.

I kept my hand in his, squeezing it for support while Stiles just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours." Stiles answered, no sarcasm in his tone. I was actually proud he managed to say that without spitting in Scott's dad's face like I wanted to right now.

"Is he drinking again?" Mr. McCall asked.

"What do you mean "again"? He never had to stop." Stiles sighed as I looked over at him with a worried look on my face. I know his dad had a slight problem before, after his mom and everything. I know it was a touchy subject as well.

"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?" Mr. McCall asked. I glared at Scott's dad. How dare he speak like that about Sheriff Stilinski. He's a good man and he hasn't been around for years! He doesn't know anything about anyone in this town, not anymore.

Stiles snapped, glaring up at Scott's dad with me. "How about this? The next time I see him, I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet. Start with F, and end with U." Stiles snapped, making him smirk slightly beside him.

Mr. McCall just smirked, turning his attention towards me this time. "Sara, how nice to see you again. Where's your dad? How he been?"

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, glaring at Mr. McCall. "He's fine. He doesn't work at the station anymore, he hasn't in years. He switched to a more private and quiet job. He teaches history now at the local college, he's head of the department actually."

"That's right..he hadn't worked in law enforcement since your mother, right?" Mr. McCall questioned me as my eyes went wide. I stayed quiet, not wanting to answer. He was just trying to rile me up, get me to confess to something that wasn't true.

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