Chapter XX: Final Battle III

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_Newa POV_
Me, Morris, and Eregast entered the Obsidian Palace, we were headed to the Blades resting place, deep in the center of the palace, Decius was also still an issue, I was hopeful that he wasn't in here. "Stay close, no going back now." Eregast said leading us, we eventually arrived in the temples inner workings, there were layers of bones everywhere, we were definitely close, we continued on, but a shadow appeared behind me and tried to ambush us, I luckily cut it down. "I have a bad feeling about this." Morris explained, as he did, a massive army of shadows appeared ahead of us and attacked us. "Take them down." Eregast ordered. "Piece of cake." I replied, we then fought off the shadows quickly, but more kept appearing as we killed them, one eventually got to Eregast and injured him, I rushed to defend him with Morris. "We can't keep this up." Morris said exhausted. "Will be overwhelmed." I then decided my possible fate. "Morris, get Eregast out of here." I ordered. "I'll get the blade." "Newa no. You need..." Morris tried explaining. "Go!" I yelled holding off the army of shadows, he eventually listened and carried Eregast out of here, it was just me now. "Alright, out of my way!" I yelled charging through the hordes of shadows, I ran and slashed through thousands of shadows before I reached another hallway, escaping the chamber and pressing on.

I continued through the dark hallways of the palace and eventually reached a second chamber deeper in, the hooded figure from before, Kisuke, was waiting. "So, you actually ignored my warning." Kisuke said smiling. "I don't have the time for you, I have to stop Decius." I replied annoyed. "You mean the man from earlier?" Kisuke said. "So he will bring Valeria's destruction." I lunged at him with my sword, but he dodged instantly. "You really didn't think I'd do that." He said unamused. "You don't know your true calling, Newa, your true potential." I then readied to fight him. "I know I'm Valeria's Reborn, I know my powers." I replied. He just laughed at my response. "Child, the Reborn is only a phase, there is greater powers deeper within." He said laughing. "Too bad you won't unlock them." He then removed his cloak to reveal his true self, a living shadow. "I, Kisuke the Demon Strider will end you!" He yelled attacking me with a large dagger, I blocked it just in time and fought back, he kept dodging my attacks with ease and eventually trapped me against the wall. "Tell me, Reborn." He said pushing his dagger closer to me. "Do you know your true potential, know the darkness within you, I sense it clearly, you remain clouded, that is what you die from." I kept trying to push back his dagger, but he continued his rambling and threw me off more, I eventually pushed him back and had enough. "Sabers Might, come!" I activated my Masters Arc, he only glared with displeasure. "Cute." He commented. "Walkers Arc, Striker Serpent!" His dagger then became a massive spear and summoned a shield to his side. "Now, let us really battle." He then charged at me and knocked me off balance with his shield, I luckily recovered and attacked him back, sparks of powerful energy fired off our weapons as they clashed, our battle lasted a while before he spoke again. "Enough of this play." He said, he then knocked my sword away quickly and stabbed his spear into my heart, I could hardly stand. "You see your weakness yet?" Kisuke asked, I couldn't speak, I was dying slowly, I closed my eyes and heard a voice. "Newa." It said. "Use it, use the power I gave you, use it!" I had no idea what that was and fell to the ground, weakened and nearly dead, I then saw my sword in front of me and grabbed it, I then felt a spark of energy flicker off it, I eventually felt myself regaining strength and got up, my sword eventually changed its form again, it true form, a silver blade with a gold outline and purple gem engraved into the hilt. "You've still alive. You can't be." He said confused. "No matter, I can kill you again." I raised my sword at him. "I don't think so." I said. "Silver Shadow!" I then charged at him, he tried to attack back, but he missed and I slashed at him multiple times before stabbing him one more time, he collapsed on the ground and started to fade away. "You can't stop us." He said quickly before dying. "He will come." He kept repeating that until he disappeared completely, I then pushed on towards the Blade of Balanced, eventually I arrived in front of an open vault, I already knew Decius was inside, hopefully he hasn't removed the Blade yet.

I entered the vault only to see Decius was waiting for me the whole time. "Welcome Reborn, I hope my "friend " kept you busy." Decius greeted with an evil smirk. I drawed my sword annoyed with his plans. "It's over, just give up." I exclaimed. "You have nothing left to gain." He only smiled. "That's where your wrong." He replied. "Deaths Acolyte, summon!" He then summoned his armor and a massive staff and fired shots of dark magic at me, I dodged them and prepared to fight back. "You can't win this, Reborn!" Decius yelled. "I am the Demon Kings servant, I am immortal!" I only glared at him before charging at him, he blocked and attacked back, knocking me back a bit, I kept attacking him, but he kept blocking my attacks easily, but I knew he couldn't hold up for long, he eventually had enough and fired dark magic in between us, it pushed me away from him, he then pointed his staff at me, I pointed my sword at him and activated my Masters Arc to try and counter his. "How long till you finally fall and let this world die?" Decius wondered. "Won't ever happen." I replied. His staff then emitted a black flame. "Let us answer that ourselves." He said smirking again, We then both charged directly into each other, both our weapons clashing, sending us both back in an explosion of magic, once I got up, I saw Decius was nearly killed, half his skin was gone to reveal only some of his skeleton, he was limping towards the Blade helplessly. "I won't die." Decius said faintly. "Not yet, I won't." "Decius, No!" I yelled, he didn't listen and pulled the blade from its resting place, he then was covered in unknown magic, he screamed before laughing. "Yes, YES!" He yelled. "All this power! This energy! I have finally become a god!" He then revealed his new form, an armored demon wielding a colossal sword. "And I will be your doom."

Next: Chapter XXII: Final Battle IV

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