Chapter XII: Divided

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"The arts of magic are limited, but we have broken those chains to power and freedom." -Faylin Promise

I entered the open arena grounds as crowds cheered in excitement for the carnage to come, several gates then opened ahead of me, releasing several wild beast on me, I saw my sword in the ground near me and grabbed it, ready to fight. "Let the battle begin!" Horus yelled to the crowd, the beast then ran directly towards me, I rushed into their paths and cut them down without a sweat, the crowds cheered as more gates released more hungry beast at me. "This all you got!" I yelled cutting down the oncoming beast. Horus looked at me amused and worried, while Scorpio looked annoyed by my ability to fight. "Lets see you fight real warriors!" Scorpio yelled. The gates opened again with multiple warriors coming out, they charged the minute they realized what was going on, I fought each one on one, cutting them down without a problem, eventually Horus and Scorpio had enough and ended the battle. "The Reborn stands victorious over her opponents!" Horus yelled. The Faylin crowds screamed in awe as a guard took me away. I followed the guard for a while until I arrived in Horus' home, He was already waiting for me. "Listen, I know this is bad, but the Clans aren't gonna let you live for..." Horus explained. I punched him being annoyed. "I can't believe you would sell us out!" I yelled. "Alimony trusted you!" "I know I screwed up!" Horus yelled. "Listen to me, I had Alimony and you moved here for safety, I plan to help you, but I need time." "Give me a good reason why shouldn't just kill you?" I asked ready to kill him. "Because, I told Him there true intentions." Alimony replied revealing himself. "It's true, the Clans want power, not an alliance." Horus explained. "Scorpio is overseeing an occupation, he's going to force us into submission under our noses." "So, how do I help?" I asked. "Continue to fight the arena, once I have a plan, we'll strike the Clans easily." Horus replied. "I'm in." I said. "Better get started." The next few days, Horus and Scorpio continued to put me through the arenas deadly combatants, I fought on easily, but Horus was no closer to a plan, I began to question his trustworthiness.

_Quint POV_
Me and Eregast arrived at the Forges territory without trouble, the Forges luckily allowed us to stay and talk about them joining us, but that was taking longer than expected, Me and Eregast walked in to the Forges throne room. "Warlords, me and my council was expecting you." The Forges king said, We bowed in respect. "King Orin, have you thought about our agreement?" Eregast asked. "We indeed have, my people are weary of your trust, you must prove your worthiness to the thunder gods." Orin replied. "How exactly, my bearded friends?" I asked. "A test of honor perhaps." Orin replied. "Prove to us, that you can defend those not of your kindred, then we may consider." One of the Forges guards then bursted into the room out of breath. "My lord, enemies have entered our borders, and are about to attack the Iron Cauldron." He exclaimed. "Balard, get our men and destroy those invaders." Orin ordered. "With honor, sire." Balard replied, we decided to follow him and assist in the battle, he went to the armory and gave me and Eregast odd weapons. "What kind of contraption is this?" I asked confused. "It's called a firelauncher, you just push that trigger and it propels shots of magic at enemies." Balard explained. We decided to keep a hold of them and follow his forces to the Iron Cauldron, the biggest resource mines in all of Valeria. As we arrived we saw several Remnant siege towers approaching the area, the Remnants were attacking the Forges, something seemed off. "Take positions and hold your ground!" Balard yelled out, the Forges warriors scattered across the area and prepared for battle, Eregast and I stayed with Balard, the Remnants forces soon came in sight of us, there were thousands of warriors charging towards us. "Fire!" Balard yelled. Our warriors then shot their firelaunchers the Remnants, many died instantly, the Forges kept firing at them until the siege towers shot a wave of blood magic that destroyed most of our men, the Remnants men were soon too close for comfort. "Now it's our turn." I said drawing my lance, I ran directly into the charging Remnants and began knocking them down, Eregast drawer his sword and joined me in battle. "Brothers, follow the Warlords lead. Charge!" Balard yelled. Thousands of the Forges warriors soon joined us, now the real battle had begun.

_Newa POV_
As I finished off the last warrior in the arena, an injured warrior got up, he had a scared look in his eyes, I walked over and about killed him. "No please, Reborn, I beg for forgiveness." He pleaded scared and frightened. "I don't want to die. I wish to serve a warrior in true battles, ones of honor, let me serve you. I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I sheathed my sword and helped him on his feet. "I, Newa, accept your company." I said. "Then I, Morris, Warrior of Suns, will serve you till death." He replied. Scorpio instantly lost it. "You forsaken fools, fight!" He yelled. "I will not, I am not your entertainment! I will not fall to your heels!" I yelled back. "Then I will kill you personally!" Scorpio yelled, Horus then intervened with his sword drawn. "That enough, the Clans our done here, you've lost." He said. "No, I haven't." Horus replied angered. "The Reborn, is mine!" He then shoved Horus away and leaped into the arena with his war staff drawn. "I will bring your heart to our emperor, and then the blade will be ours forever." Scorpio exclaimed. "Not while I still breath." I said, I then attacked him, he blocked and attacked back, we were now locked in battle, and only one of us would get out alive.

Next: Chapter XIII: Divided II

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