Chapter IV: The Warlords

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"The Reborn is a lie, We will lead our golden age, The Warlords will be our great savior." -Warlords Tablet

I continued to wander the wasteland for hours until I stopped to catch my breath in a small forest clearing, I didn't know what to do, the only home I had was now nothing, I had to figure out what to do, I decided to try and find shelter before nightfall and continued onward.

_Warlords POV_
I continued towards the grand hall of the royal houses, determined to tell them about the Mages recent, Reborn, if the Mages had a reborn, then the legend was true, and he would soon be on our side if I was correct. A shadow knight soon exited the grand hall. "There ready." The knight said. I took a deep breath and entered the hall, I have not seen the houses in years since I led my campaign against the Mages. "Sonora, explain why you appear before us?" One of the royal houses asked. "House Ren, I appear before you to tell you." I paused wondering if I should continue. "Speak, Sanora ." House Calem said. "The Reborn has arrived in Valeria." I continued. The houses were completely shocked, they couldn't believe their ears. "How, the legend was deemed false by our council eons ago." House Ren explained enraged. "Even if it is false, we can't deny the Mages have a warrior capable of destroying us." House Vex explained to House Ren. "Order! Order!" Grand Knight Eregast, the Warlords leader yelled. "We must be united, not divided." "I agree, we can not divide ourselves more." House Calem said in agreement. "Now, if what Sanora says is true, than we can't deny the legend as true." Eregast explained. "Sanora, gather some men and find the Reborn, and bring him to me alive." "My lord, you can't be serious." I replied opposing the idea. "If he is powerful, he could be more valuable an ally than dead." Eregast explained. I thought it over and agreed. "As you wish, my lord." I said leaving the grand hall. I instantly gathered my armor and gold halberd and set off with my troops to find the Reborn.

_Newa POV_
I wandered for hours until I reached the same village ruins I arrived in months ago, I instantly felt something was watching, I drew my sword and yelled out to it. "Who's out there! Come out and fight!" I yelled. A woman in warlords armor wielding a gold halberd came out shortly after I yelled. "Impressive, you could sense my presence easily, reborn." She said amused. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked frustrated. "Simple, I'm here to bring you to my master, he wishes to help you." She replied. "By attacking the Mages home." I explained, only getting angrier by her presence. "They wished to use you, we were only trying to help." She replied. I finally couldn't handle her and attacked her with my sword, she was quick and blocked it. "Guess, its the hard way." She then whistled and I felt an arrow hit my shoulder and instantly fell down. "That nightweed arrow should keep her busy. Mount up!" She said to her men before I passed out, the nightweed had put me to sleep for hours before I woke up in front of their master. "Welcome reborn, sorry for the inconvenience." He said calmly. I about attacked him, but saw an archer aiming at me, I knew I was dead if I attacked, so I decided to play his game. "So, what do you want from me?" I asked him. "For starts, a name." He replied. "Reborn seems, less intimidating." I decided to answer. "Names Newa, your turn." I answered frustrated. "I am Eregast, leader of the Warlords." He said. "And I wish to be an ally, not an enemy. Eat, I didn't make dinner for nothing." I then noticed the feast on the table in front of me, and decided to eat a little. "So, you don't want to enslave or kill me." I said. "That's beyond what I'm thinking, I purpose an agreement between us." He explained. I was a little surprised by his hospitality. "Go on." I said interested. "If you can help us in amassing an army capable of retrieving a weapon we're after, then I will provide you whatever you want." Eregast explained. "As in a way home?" I asked. "Perhaps, if what we're after is as powerful as people say." He replied. I then realized what their after just as he said that. "So, you want me to help you get the Blade of Balanced, then you'll use it to send me home, deal?" I asked. "We have a deal." Eregast replied. We then heard an explosion outside, Eregast got up and looked out the window. "God forsaken!" He yelled. "Those traitors, think you help us?" I got up and prepared to fight. "I'm willing." I replied. We then rushed to join the battle.

Next: Chapter V: Nomad Wars

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