Chapter XVIII: Final Battle

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We waited for the Remnants to make the first move, they did and their warriors charged into the battlefield. "Quint, with me." I ordered. "First wave is ours." "Right." Quint replied, we then led our first wave of forces into the battlefield, both waves soon collided into eachother and erupted into war, me and Quint assisted our men, easily bringing down Remnant warriors with ease, the battle was moving quickly around us, Tara soon joined the battle with her legion of Dwellers behind her, as she did, the Remnants siege towers fired arrows at us, killing some of our men, but we kept pushing on through the Remnants with ease, I was soon ambushed by a man in a black cloak, I blocked his attack just in time. "Your mine." He said attacking me again with his sword, I dodged his attack and fought back, Quint tried to assist me, but I told him to press on with the attack, Quint listened, the attacker eventually jumped away from me. "You can't stop our master, I Terror, will be your doom." He said. "Good luck with that." I replied smirking. He then continued to fight me, I easily fought back and eventually disarmed him, before knocking him out, as I about rejoined the main battle, I saw five mounted warriors coming towards the battle, I easily recognized Scorpio and Cassandra in the group, it was the Clans gladiators, I decided it be better if I intercepted them and rushed to fight them off alone.

_Morris POV_
I watched as the battle unfolded with Eregast, Balard, and Horus, who were awaiting their signal to join in, I was to join the battle if things got overwhelming, a gray explosion then appeared above the battle, that was Balard's signal. "Alrighty marksmen, open fire!" Balard ordered, the Forges marksmen instantly fired their firelaunchers at the Remnants siege towers, I noticed it caused a bit of damage, but not enough to clear them, they continued their assault to see if they would eventually collapse. "Hang in there Morris, I know you want to assist Newa." Eregast said to occupy me. "But, this is a warzone, we have to be ready." "I agree, but my loyalty." I replied. "Doesn't need proven, you'll be okay." Eregast said, I then noticed Newa headed for a group of horsemen, she was gonna fight them alone, I then grabbed a nearby sword and readied to help her. "Morris, wait." Eregast told me. "Is this the right path?" "I'm certain of it." I replied running to join Newa in battle, I had to defend her, I was hers to command, but I felt something different about her, I wasn't sure what it was.

_Newa POV_
I got close to the gladiators and took out one of them, so they'd notice me, it worked and they focused on me. "Reborn, we meet at last." Their leader said to me. "You really think you can face us?" "I already got one, only four more to go." I replied determined. "Very well, take her out." He ordered, Cassandra, Scorpio, and another gladiator then attacked me all at once, I dodged most of their attacks, but the fight got too overwhelming and Scorpio knocked me down onto the ground, their leader soon drawed his dagger and pointed it at my neck. "Any last words?" He asked. I tried to speak, but his dagger was pierce in my neck, he almost stabbed it through, until Morris knocked him and his friends back, he pulled me up and cleaned the blood off my neck. "You alright?" He asked. "I'm okay." I replied. "Now, let's finish this." We then went after Cassandra and Scorpio and battled them, they fought us off the best they could, but Morris took down Scorpio quickly, I eventually destroyed Cassandra's weapon and wounded her enough to keep her down, the other gladiator decided to stand back and surrender, all that was left was their leader. "You think you can beat Soron, head of the gladiators." He said. "I will show you true pain. Star Vortex, End them!" He activated his Masters Arc and attacked Morris, I blocked his attack and defended him. "Your fights with me, gladiator." I said. "Sabers Might, come!" I activated my Masters Arc and attacked him, he fought back and it was all-out battle to the death, our blades exploded into sparks of magic with each clash we did, he eventually knocked my sword back, leaving me defenseless, he about took me out, but something interesting happened. "Rulers Shot, fire!" The remaining gladiator yelled, he activated his Masters Arc and killed his leader, saving me, I sheathed my sword and focused on him. "You. Why did you help me?" I asked. "I.." He paused. "I thought it was right, I am Galileo, the last remaining gladiator, I swear my allegiance to your cause." He replied. "Welcome then, come, we have a war to win." I said welcoming him, our small victory was cut short by a red explosion over the battlefield. "That's my signal, Newa, Galileo, let us join them." Morris explained. "Right, lead the way." Galileo replied. "Dragon King, to my side!" Morris yelled summoning the King of Dragon's to his side, me and Galileo ran ahead to rejoin the main battle, while Morris readied up to join in later, the battle was ready to reach its turning point, we were close to victory.

_Remnants POV_
I looked out towards the raging battle, I was starting to lose patience, my forces were falling, Terror had fallen, and I still couldn't enter the palace, I eventually had enough and meet up with the blood mages trying to open the door. "Give me that." I ordered stealing one of their staffs, I focused my magic on the door and the locks soon disappeared, finally something was going right, I dropped the staff and walked into the palace alone, I would get the blade and end this on my own terms, even if I had to kill every last thing in Valeria to do it.

Next: Chapter IXX: Final Battle II

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