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Gabbie's POV

A few minutes into the movie, I heard Grayson snoring. I tried to get out of his grip to stretch a little but he was sleeping so peacefully. I ended up laying there until he woke up. In the meantime, I shopped online for my birthday. Which is exactly a month away but gotta decide on what I actually want to make my wishlist.

I don't wanna put too much onto it. I'm happy with what I receive. A present is a present. I'm not one of those brats that throws a fit because she hates what she got nor is it what she asked for. I'm grateful because it shows that at least people care. It's the thought that counts.

He looked at me and stretched.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting stuff on my birthday wishlist."

"You always seem weird when you get presents. Especially from me. Like you don't have a big reaction."

"Grayson. A present is a present. I'm grateful for anything and everything I receive. Whether it be from you or my family or your siblings."

"Makes me feel so insecure."

"I promise you, I'm grateful for everything you get me. I love you too much to be like 'this is fucking disgusting. Why would you even??'"

"It feels like that sometimes."

I kissed him.

"I promise." I smiled.

He pulled me in closer. He always smells so good.

"On the real though, what do you want?"

"Mainly hoodies."

"But it's spring."

"What's your point?"

"Got me there."

"I don't really want much. Although, it'd be nice if you sang to me." I chuckled.

"I don't want you to lose your hearing abilities so next."

"Haven't you been learning how to play the piano?"

"Still a work in progress."

"Then show me what you got."

"No but seriously."

"I don't know. I don't want much. I don't need much. I'm a simplistic person. That's why I don't really have much on this list. It's literally just hoodies and dad hats."

"I'm getting you something extravagant. I don't know what yet, but it's gonna be big."


"What? I gotta treat my girl right."

"Let's just get up and walk the dogs." I chuckled.

"We're gonna be walking Spike in the future while pushing a stroller one day." he got up.

"It's such a weird thought."

"Give me like 6 years."

"Why 6?"

"I was gonna say 10 but by that time we'd be 27."

"That's not a bad age to get married and have kids though."

Grayson's POV

"Okay, then give me 6-10 years."

"Ooookay." she rolled her eyes as she leashed up the two littleluns.

"Can I confess something?"

"Is this good or bad?"

"I don't know."

"Do I brace myself?"

"You probably should."

"Not exactly what I expected to hear but okay..."

"When we first broke up, I know I said I wanted to expand my horizons, but that wasn't the case. I said you deserved better, and you still do, but that wasn't the reason why either. Well that was part of the reason why."

"What do you mean? What's the other part then?"

"I ended our relationship because I was falling out of love."

She stopped in her tracks.


"But being apart from each other made me realize that you're the only person for me."

"You 'fell out of love'? That's literally such an insult. Was I not enough for you?"

"No no. I just... I don't know."

"How do you feel now?" she slowly started walking again.

"I feel like you're the only person I will ever want for the rest of my life."

Gabbie's POV

I feel so insulted right now. He 'fell out of love'? Was I not enough for him? I want to cry right now but I don't wanna make a scene, especially not when we're outside the house. I'll probably cry later, I just need to keep myself together for now.


"You okay?" he asked.

"Did you really just ask if I'm okay? After telling me that you slowly stopped loving me."

"Gabbie, I–"

"We're outside of the house, walking in public. Let's not right now."

We walked in silence for about 20 minutes before making it home.

"So what's wrong?"

A Little Too Not Over You || g.d.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon