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Gabbie's POV

"Jenny's taking me to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and I'm not ready."

"Let us take you."

"I don't trust you two with my life when I'm high."

"What? Rude. I'm offended." Ethan placed his hand on his chest.

"Yeah, can they take you? I really don't wanna go. Plus if I took you, I'd need someone to help drag you out and keep you sane."

"Wow, thanks, Jen." I rolled my eyes.

"Great. So we're taking you to the dentist and witness what you're like when you're high."

"Apparently." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

the following day

"Have fun today." Jenny said.

I glared at her.

"You have everything you need right?" my mom asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Jenny, call me once she gets home."


"Looks like the boys are here. I'll see you in 20 years."

"So extra." Jenny replied.

I walked out to the car.

"Are you ready?" Grayson asked me.

"Hell no. You seemed drunk as fuck when you got yours out." I looked at Grayson and turned to Ethan, "and you were loud and annoying. Let's just see how bad I am."

"I prefer the term, 'savage'." Ethan sassed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Grayson's POV

They called Gabbie in.

"Here we go. See you guys in a few." she stood up.

"Have fun."

"HaVe FuN." she said sarcastically.

A few hours later they called us in to see Gabbie. She was just as calm as I was, but then she got angry when she saw me. Like... really angry.

"What the hell is he doing here?" she asked, referencing to me.

"You told him to come."

"Why would I ever do that?"

"Calm down."

"Where's my sister?"

"At home." I said.

"Shouldn't you be with Brooke?"

"We broke up."

"Doesn't that suck?" she rolled her eyes.

"Gabbie, chill out."

"Where's my mom?"

"At work."

"Seriously, why are you here?"

"You wanted me to be."

"Sure I did."

Ethan helped fill out all the papers. Her mom sent him all the information so that it would be easier on our behalf. Well, we have to deal with angry Gabbie, so somewhat easier.

"What the hell is this?" she took the gauze out of her mouth.

"Gabbie, you need to keep that in your mouth." Ethan said.

"Why is it red? Am I on my period?"

"Put that back in your mouth." I said.

"Why should I listen to you? Of all people?"

"Gabbie. Work with us here."

"Look look look. I have a trick." she formed her mouth to an O shape and shot out the gauze.

"Gabbie." Ethan said sternly as he dodged it.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I'll be here all week."

The nurse came in and changed them out before we left.

"Chill out bro. I can walk on my own." she raised her hands.


"Dass me."

Ethan picked her up.

"Wow I feel like a princess. This is great."

We sat her in the car and buckled her up.

"Why am I sitting in the back?" she whined.


"Are you going to sit with me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"No, I was just asking."


"You wanna know why I don't want you back here?" she asked as I got into my seat.


"Because you traded your brother and I for Brooke. You know how sad that is?"

"I'm sorry."

"It sucked. Making all these plans and questioning if we should invite you or not. We didn't want that bitch in our plans. Then all of a sudden now we decided to accept your apology. Like I don't even know why we did."

"Gabbie. Calm down." Ethan looked at her through the mirror.

"You left us, Grayson. After she came into the picture, we didn't know who you were anymore. I don't even know who you are anymore. You never even tried hanging out with us. It sucked. You're over here telling me that we never invite you? News flash: you never tried to make plans with us either. Whether or not Brooke was in it. You never invited us anywhere. I asked Ethan, why should we try making plans with you if you don't try making plans with us?"

"I'm sorry."

These were all the pinned up emotions she had inside of her. And this was her letting it all out.

"I fucking hate you both. You and Brooke. Pathetic." she rolled her eyes.

She's being so aggressive right now and it's seriously the scariest thing I have ever witnessed.

"Is this true?" I asked Ethan.

"Yes. It is. You don't even have to lie to him. The damage has already been done."

"Gabbie calm down." Ethan said.

"What do you mean? Am I hurting your feelings Grayson? I'm only telling the truth. And you know what they say, the truth hurts."


"What, Ethan? What? Don't tell me that you don't think the same thing. Someone was gonna have to say it. I knew you weren't. So I figured, why? Don't? I?"

I told you she's a loose cannon.

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