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Gabbie's POV

I threw her onto the ground.

"You're gonna get my friend's brother to side with you? Then when he does you call me a bitch? You have the audacity to call me a bitch?" I took a couple swings.

"Gabbie what the hell?" Grayson ran back and held her.

Ethan held my arms back so that I wouldn't attack her again.

"She brought it upon herself. I'm not even gonna try to explain what she did because either way, you're not gonna listen to me."

Ethan let me go.

"See you at school or something. I'm over it. I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I'm most definitely done with her. Call me once you have your shit together." I said and walked away.

Grayson's POV

"What happened?" I asked Ethan.

"Ask your girlfriend. You trust her more than you trust me remember?" he rolled his eyes and caught up to Gabbie.

"Babe what happened?"

"I don't... I don't know. I was walking up to catch up to you and she just grabbed my hair. Next thing I knew, she was throwing punches and I couldn't move."

Gabbie wouldn't just start a fight like that.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'll just have a few bruises."

"I'm sorry she did this to you."

"It's okay. I'm okay."

I don't know what I'm doing. I basically just betrayed my own brother. I should've trusted him.

"Be honest with me." I said sternly.


"Did you or did you not tell Gabbie to stop hanging out with me?"

"I did it for your benefit."

"Brooke." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I was just looking out for you."

I didn't know what to say. It was too late to call them back now. They were already gone. There was so much damage that had just been done today. I don't know how long it's gonna take for this to be fixed. Or if it ever will be.

I checked my phone and saw that it was an outgoing call to Ethan. I should've trusted them. He even showed me the call himself.

"I don't think we should be together anymore." I said.


"I'm breaking up with you."


"Brooke. You just caused me a two relationships. Ones that are so important to me. I don't want any other relationships to be corrupted because of you."

"Is it cause you're not over Gabbie?"

I looked away.

"I knew it." she rolled her eyes.

I helped her up. She glared at me and walked away.

Now I just have to figure out how I'm suppose to make it up to Gabbie and Ethan.

Gabbie's POV

"I'm glad I'm sleeping over tonight." Ethan scoffed.

"I'm sorry you were betrayed."

"Fuck." he groaned.


"I left my toothbrush and a change in underwear at home."

"Ethan... we have toothbrushes here."

"But I'm gonna need a change in underwear tomorrow after I shower. I hate my life."

"Do you want me to come with? So you're not alone?" I offered.

"You almost broke her nose. I don't think you should be in her nor Grayson's presence right now."

"She would've gotten surgery to fix it. Do you see how plastic she is?" I rolled my eyes, "Anyway, I've composed myself. I'm good."

"Gabriella Monique Pierson. You are not composed. I can feel it."

"Pfft... yes I am. I can just chill in the car while you go in there."

"I'll be back in 10."

"Fine." I gave up.

Grayson's POV

Ethan walked through the door.

"E." I said.

He ignored me.


He didn't even look at me.


"What? Where's your girlfriend?"

"We broke up."

"Oh rip." he walked upstairs.

"I'm sorry I didn't take your side."



"Grayson, I'm honestly pretty pissed off right now. So just back off. I came back to get my stuff and then I'm outies again."

"I'm so sorry."

"Whatever bro. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Can you tell Gabbie I'm sorry too?"


Me: gabs, I am so sorry

Scuppie™: read at 6:27pm

Me: how am I gonna make this up to you?
Tell me what you want me to do

Scuppie™: read at 6:28pm

Me: Gabbie

Scuppie™: Grayson. I really have nothing to say to you.
First you falsely accused me of being jealous of Brooke, which I am not. Am I over you?
To be honest, no. I'm not. Am I happy for you? Of course I am.
Second, you didn't believe anything I said when I told you about the call. You sided with her.
Not only that, you sided with her and not your own brother. We even had proof and you still chose her over us.
So if you're gonna ask if I'm upset, the answer should be pretty clear to you. I don't even know you anymore.
I hope your relationship still goes strong after this.

She's not over me?

Me: Gabbie I am so sorry.

Scuppie™: sorry isn't gonna cut it this time

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