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Gabbie's POV

Approximately 42 minutes later, the boys came back to my house with two bigass containers of soup.

"What the hell?"

"Our mom made it for you. It'll probably last you like... I don't know, depends on how hungry you get." Ethan put them on my computer desk and served me a small bowl.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So. What's there to spill today?" Grayson asked.

"Gray... that's not how it works. You start off with a conversation then ease your way into it. Not just straight up dive into the tea." Ethan shook his head.

"I've missed this. The three of us together and having these pointless arguments."

"This wasn't even an argument, I'm simply stating facts."

"Anyway, throughout that time Grayson was in VS the other day, I was worried because like... I didn't know what I was suppose to expect."

"I was hoping he'd get you like bras or 'panties' or some kind of lingerie. Not a pair of pajamas."

"I know her well enough to not get her perfume that's for sure."

"I hate perfume."

"Okay but what if your armpits smell awful?"

"There's deodorant. Wouldn't be surprised if you guys went days without showering."

"I actually did for like four days. That was the time we were still together. We shared a bed in the hotel and I'm surprised you didn't notice. I held you and whatnot while we slept."

"Wait you were that stench?"


"Busted." Ethan laughed.

"You're so gross. Was it both of you?"

They nodded.

"The exit is that way. Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you." I joked.

"We were at the beach. We surfed. I thought that was enough." Ethan shrugged.

"There was a time we were driving somewhere and I literally couldn't put my arms up because I smelled so bad." Grayson said.

"Y'all are literally so disgusting."

"90% sure you've done it too."

"I've only gone without showering two days max."

"Mhm sure."

"You guys wanna answer some awkward questions together?"

"We have nothing better to do."

"Great. You really have no choice so... These are all questions from Jenny by the way. Originally it was just for me, but yanno." I said, "number 1: what is the most cringiest thing about the other person that you've never told them? Like you absolutely cannot stand."

"Okay, well. Way back when, before you, the way yaboi over there talked to girls was so cringe. It was awful."

"Fuck you."

Ethan laughed.

"Anywho, the way Ethan gets mad, is cringe."

"RIGHT. HE PUTS ON THIS COOL VOICE, well, 'cool', AND LIKE..." I agreed.


"You're like, 'Grayson... shut up.'"

"It's okay to be in denial Ethan." I laughed.

"It's cringe when you fangirl sometimes." Grayson said.

"Okay, I'm not gonna deny that." I ate a small spoon of my soup.

Jenny: some of these are just for the boys to torture them. 😏

"According to Jenny, some of these are only geared towards you guys by the way."


"What are your thoughts on becoming an actual daddy one day?" I quickly changed the topic.

"Grayson shouldn't have a problem answering this one." Ethan smirked.

"I hate you." Grayson glared at him.

"But in all seriousness though, I do wanna be a dad one day. Have little kids running around." Ethan said.

"Yeah same. I wanna have a family, have me a little Grayson running around."

"How many nudes have you sent?"

We all motioned zero at the same time.

"I've literally sent zero nudes in my life. Well, actually I've sent a couple ass pix to Grayson." Ethan said.

"I've definitely sent Ethan the cheeks, but other than that none."

"I've given Grayson a digital moon."

"Interesting." I looked at both of them.

"Wait have you ever sent Grayson nudes?"

"Why would I?"

"We were already doing the dirty so I didn't need her sending me nudes."

"Okay ew."

"You always bring these situations amongst yourself what the hell." I rolled my eyes. "What is one of the most childish things you still do?"

"Sometimes I wear feet-y pajamas." Ethan said. "I don't know if you'd consider that 'childish'."

"Aren't those called footsies or something?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Okay so, when I have to throw out my stuff, I feel really bad for it. Cause I feel like it has a soul and stuff. Like when I throw out my stuffed animals." Grayson said.

"I still sleep with stuffed animals. I have to be holding something when I sleep. Otherwise I feel weird." I sighed, "Anyway, the other questions were really bad so I'm skipping to this last question."

"How bad is 'bad'?"

"I don't think you wanna know."


"What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in a mirror? I'm not a weird person. I mean, I check whether or not I have to shave my armpits, but I don't think you'd consider that 'weird'."

"Yeah, I don't do anything either." Grayson scratched his chin.

"Oh man." Ethan said.

"What?" I asked.

He hid his face in his hands.

"Ethan what?" Grayson pulled his head out of his hands. "What is the weirdest thing you've done?"

"Omigod. I can't believe I'm saying this."

"Quit being extra."

"I trim my butt hairs in the mirror."

I choked on my soup.



"Oh my god."

"How are we related? That's fucking gross."

"Hey, you asked."

"I just..." I gagged.

A Little Too Not Over You || g.d.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon