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A/N: Yay! I'm finally updating on time! Congrats to me! Oh yeah, by the way my Twitter is @katiebarakath. It'd be pretty cool if you followed me. I tweet about updates so yeah...

"Mom?" I asked letting my jaw drop.

"Tell me what?" She glared at me.

I sighed. Leave it to my mom. She hasn't since me, her daughter, in two and a half years and all she could do was glare at me and repeat her questions. I was too shocked to answer her anyway. I mean two and a half years I went without seeing her and then she comes out of nowhere?

A lot could happen in two and a half years. For example, losing your virginity, dating your brother's best friend, and on a more general scale I could've swtiched religious or found freaking Narnia by then.

Of course she saw Zack all the time so that wasn't a big moment for them. He always asked if I wanted to tag along so I could say hi to her, but I refused every time. I moved out for a reason, right?

My parents were always against my choices so the second Zack got his own place I moved in with him. Living with Alex was just an added bonus.

"That Zack won't let me date some one without getting involved," I sighed and dropped my head. Her stare was too piercing and frightening to disappoint.

"You're dating some one?" She raised an eyebrow. I couldn't tell if it was in disapproval or not. Even if she approved she'd probably be mad that I didn't tell her.

"Who? Why didn't you tell me?" she grimaced.

Called it. I thought. Why didn't I tell her? What was I supposed to do? Call her out of the blue just to say 'Hey, I'm dating Alex, but no one knows yet so keep it on the down low.' I wondered if it had ever occurred to her that phones, and cars for that matter, didn't just work one way. She could've call or driven to see me.

"Mom," I said trying not to sound like the weak little girl I felt like right now. I entwined my fingers with Alex's, "I'm dating Alex."

"You have a black eye," she scowled at him.

"Yes, well, that's because..." he trailed off. Clearly he didn't want to pin the blame on Zack.

"I beat him up," Zack sinished Alex's sentence willingly, but he definitely wasn't thrilled about it.

My mom pulled Alex in for a tight hug. "Thank god some one is with Stella. She hasn't dated anyone. Ever."

Alex gave me a weird look and I responded with one showing him I would tell him later.

"Yeah, well, no problem," he said awkwardly.

She turned to Zack and gave him a stern look, "leave these two alone."

I was surprised to say the least. I thought my mom would've flipped out or at least given Zack premission to beat the shit out of both of us, but nope. She told him to go anyway. Maybe my mom was better than I remembered. Maybe my mom changed.

"Sweetie," my mom said to me, "Go take a shower. You're a mess."

Maybe not.

I sighed, "I already showered today, Mom."

I sensed Alex trying to hold in a laugh next to me as he thought about our shower earlier that monring. He was nearly shaking with laughter. I elbowed him in the stomach and that was enough to send him into over drive. He burst out laughing to my disdain and Jack and Zack's confusion.

"Huh," she thought for a moment completely ignoring Alex's out burst, "then you might want to brush you hair."

"Yeah, okay mom," I let out a deep breath of air.

"You're mom really thinks you have never had a boyfriend besides me?" Alex asked.

I laid down on his bed so that my head was at the feet of his bed. I'd never been more happy to have finished dinner or to have spent time alone, behind the closed door of Alex's bed room, with Jack and Alex for that matter.

I sighed, "Alex I wasn't planning on telling my mom I had a boyfriend until we got married. She criticizes everything I do."

He shrugged, "She didn't criticizes me."

"That's because I never told her about any of my other boyfriends. Now all my future-" Alex scowled at me and I bit my tongue before I could say 'future boyfriends', "Errors," I exaggerated the word to show Alex I wasn't about to say what he thought I was going to say. His original idea was one hundred precent right though.

"She's right about the critizing thing," Jack pointed out from Alex's spiny chair that he had scooted away from his desk.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Is that why you moved in with us?" Alex asked.

I nodded, "Do either of you know when she's leaving?"

"When I answered the door she said she'd be staying for a week, maybe two," Jack answered.

"Great," I beamed, "thank god I moved out!"

"Does she know you moved out?" he asked.

Shit, I thought, this was hell on earth.

A/N: So I've been trying to sit down and write this for three days and nothing came so sorry this update is so late and kind of sucky. I promise to try and start updating on time again. (a.k.a everyday or every other day)

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