I Guess I'm Dead

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A/N: Follow @katiebarakarth on twitter if you want updates on this story :)

Jack took my virginity. I opened my eyes and scowled at the bright morning Sun. Once my eyes adjusted I saw Jack was still under me and felt a strange surge of happiness that he hadn't left me in the middle of the night.

He yawned himself awake and I rolled off him so he could stretch. A loud knocking came from my door and we both froze. I saw the knob begin to turn and prayed that I had locked it the night before. The knob stopped half way through. The person jiggled the knob a few times then gave up and knocked again.

"Stella," I heard Alex say then bang yet again, "Open the door it's me."

I almost wanted to tease him and asked 'me who?' like we would've done before Jasey. But things change and I remembered I was supposed to be mad with him.

Jack growled and I rolled back over to cover my head with a pillow.

"I'm asleep," I stated low so Alex couldn't hear, "You can answer the door. I don't care if he knows."

Jack rubbed my lower back for a minute before he got up. I lifted the pillow a bit to see him pull on his boxers- nothing else- to go answer the door for his best friend Alex.

"Jack?" Alex asked surprised then dismissive, "Where's Stella? I have to talk to her about Jasey."

I groaned, but thankfully it was muted by the pillow.

"She's asleep," Jack said defensively knowing how badly that hurt the fully awake me.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"You want to come inside to talk about this?" Jack offered.

I heard the door slam and assumed Alex decided to take him up on his offer as foot steps came lightly, but slightly louder.

"Why the hell is she naked?" Alex asked, I breifly wondered how he knew when there was a blanket covering the important parts on my body. I finally figured Alex had had enough one night stands to tell, now fully aware he exclaimed, "You slept with her?"

"So what? It has nothing to do with you," Jack shot back.

"Dude, she was a virgin!" Alex snapped.

"Chill, she's asleep." Jack was having a little too much fun with this. I could hear a surpressed chuckle in his voice.

"She's not going to be careful with the next guy she dates!" Alex snarled.

I gritted my teeth.

Jack barked, "What do you care? You have Jasey, remember? You don't get even a remote say in who she slept with and will sleep with."

"Yeah, I know, but... It's just," Alex tripped over his words then choked out, "She's our best friend's little sister."

I finally had enough of this and sat up making sure to cover my chest with the blanket. They both turned to see me and I narrowed my eyes at Alex.
"Alex, I think you need to get out," I spoke sharply and curt.

He growled, but left the room. Not without making sure to slam the door so hard it broke first. Literally, it was off the top hinge. I grimaced and Jack laid down on my bed with me. He turned his head slowly to face me and asked, without sounding like he cared all that much, "You think he's going to tell Zack?"

I thought for a minute before shaking my head, "No. I don't think he could do that to Zack."

"We better get dressed," he sighed.

I nodded and the two of us got up to change. It surprised me how truly not awkward this was. I felt comfortable in fact. The two of us didn't seem to mind each other's nakedness or the fact that he took my virginity. I kind of liked that. I knew I could trust Jack whether we were dating or not. And currently we were not.

We walked down the stairs together and headed straight for the kitchen. I somehow got into the roll of cook that morning even though I hated half to people waiting for pancakes in the kitchen. Rian, Cassadee, and Jack sat on one side of the table with one empty chair welcoming me. Zack, Alex, and Jasey sat on the other side with a chair not so welcoming. I decided to slip into the seat in between Cassadee and Jack after I served everyone their food.

Zack, Rian, Cassadee, and Jasey seemed to be the only ones willing to talk while Jack and Alex exchanged angry glances. Every once in a while Alex would shoot me a discussed look and Jack would stiffen and shift protectively closer toward me.

"So," Jasey said in her annoying bubblegum voice, "I was thinking we could have a couple night here on Saturday night. Just watch a movie and play some board games. It can be Alex and me, Rian and Cassadee, Zack and Sara, Jack- I'm sure you can find a date."

"What about Stella?" Cassadee asked caringly about me.

"Oh," she answered in her nasal voice like the idea was replusive, but she was going to try to be polite anyway. She failed. "Stella, you can come alone if you want?"

"I can get a date!" I declared and folded my arms.

"Oh, really?" Alex chuckled a little, "Who?"

Had I hurt Alex's feelings this morning? I didn't know and I worried in my head for a minute before recalling he had hurt me. He had hurt me for Jasey. Mean, uncaring, puppet master, Jasey.

I grinded my teeth, it was becoming a bad habit, and thought of all the guys who would go out with me. I wanted one that would piss them off and only one name came to mind.

"I'm sure John would be happy to join us," I smirked evilly.

"John?" Zack choked on his pancakes.

"Are you kidding?" Jasey asked with a little flash of worry. She quickly recovered.

"Yeah, John. He's just the nicest guy right? He's just so trust worthy," I said in a bubble gum voice to mock Jasey and Jack high-fived me under the table.

"What?" Alex gawked his face going pale white.

"I'm done eating," I stated ignoring their reactions and stood up to clean my plate, "Cass, want to come upstairs with me?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed excited because she knew she'd finally get to hear the story of this morning's breakfast.

She rushed us up into my bedroom and the two of us sat cross legged on my bed.

"What's up this morning?" she was almost jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Jack and I slept together," I blurted out.

She ceased jumping, "Please tell me by sleep you mean catching up on your Z's."

"Nope," I shook my head with a smile.

"Oh my God! Are you guys a couple now?"

"Nope," I replied cooly, "Nothing else is happening there. But he was good."

She giggled, "Stella!"

"Cassadee!" I mocked.

She rolled her eyes, "You lost your virginity."


"And now you're going to ask John out?"

"It only seems reasonable," I grinned sarcastically.

"Zack's going to kill both of you if he ever finds out," she informed me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm eighteen, and he’s not the boss of me."

"I don't think he sees it that way," she grimaced.

"Well, then I guess I'm dead," I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

A/N: I don't know why- because Alex was being totally rude- but I really liked him in this chapter. I'm torn between Jack and Alex. HELP!

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