Cameron Dallas Imagine for Hazzas_gurl17

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*Ding-Dong* The sound of the doorbell gets you excited. "Coming!" You yell. You straighten your summer dress out and re-aply your lip gloss. You slowly open the door to see Cameron standing there with a rose. "Hey beautiful. Are you ready?" You smile "of course. You guys aren't official because your taking it slow but  It's your 7th date with Cameron and you can't help but wander when he's going to ask you to be his girlfriend! He takes your hand in his and leads you to the car. About a half hour later you arrive at a big resturant on a hill. "Wow this is beautiful" you say gawking. "Yeah it is." He says looking at you.You look at him and he snaps out of it "They have the best food here too!" Cameron leads you to a set of stairs inside. "Cam the tables are that way" you say. "Just trust me" He chirps. You walk up the stairs hand in hand until you reach a door. Cameron opens it and your stunned. It was the roof top. There was a table set for two with candles in the middle. You could see the whole town from here. "Oh my gosh Cam Thankyou!" You hug him. He squeezes you tightly, his face in the crook of your neck. "Anything for you." There was a non awkward silence. "Here sit down" He says pulling out a chair.  You nod and thank him. He begins to rub the back of his neck nervously "So Vanessa...I was just wandering. This Is our 7th date and I really like you. I mean what's not to like about you. Your stunning. And I'm was kind of nervous about this whole thing and I-" "Cameron?" You ask. He looks at you embarrassed.  "I'm rambling aren't I? I mean I guess I'm just nervous about what-" That's It. You quickly lean over the table and place a soft sweet kiss on his lips. As soon as you pull away he asks breathless "Will you be my girlfriend?" You nod smiling He sighs out of relief and kisses you this time. "Now let's eat."

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