Matt Espinosa Imagine for @Kaleandwarthog

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"Kayla!" Your mom called from downstairs. "Matts here!" You suddenly got butterflies. It was prom night. Nerve racking I know. You give yourself a quick look over in the mirror and spray your hair with hairspray. "Coming!" You yell. You grab your clutch and slowly start to walk down the stairs. As soon as Matt comes into view at the bottom of the stairs his eyes light up and you smile. "You look absolutely incredibly beautiful." He says. "Thankyou. You don't look too bad yourself." You reply smirking. "Come here." He pulls you close and leans in."ah ah ah" you say kissing his nose. "Pictures first." Of course pictures take forever.

*later at prom*

The fast song that you and Matt got lost in ended and a slow song eased in. Matt bows and looks at you holding out his hand in the process. "Kayla, may I, your amazing boyfriend, have this dance?" You blush and giggle. "Yes, yes you ca-" He doesn't even let you finish and pulls you Into him. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your waist. You lay your head on his chest and he squeezes you tighter. He leans down and whispers in your war as you sway back and forth "I love you more than I can even explain." *kisses your forehead* "Your the most beautiful girl on the planet." *kisses your nose* "I'm so lucky to have you."  *kisses both of your cheeks* Your blushing like crazy with tears in your eyes. "I love you too" you say crashing your lips into his.

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