Hamilton Grier Imagine

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You guys should hate me cause this update is 4.2billion years late. Love you. And I won't be here after you read this, love you, cause I will be trying to find a hiding place before you beat me up. Did I mention I love you guys!? Hahahahahahaha..... Enjoy this pic of Hamilton.

D/N = Daughters Name

You're walking down the hall when you hear giggling. (A/N not creepy at all I know.) Tip-toeing closer to the sound, you peek through the cracked door only to see your 6 year old daughter, (D/N), sitting in the bed with the covers up to her chest. You were about to go in and ask her who she's giggling with when Nash jumps on to her bed with a silly face. You've always scolded him about jumping on her bed.

You don't barge in, you decide to stand and admire the two most important people in your life.

"Daddy?" (D/N) asks. "Will you lay with me till I fall asleep?"

"Of course munchkin." Nash replies softly. He wraps his arm around your daughter as she snuggles into his chest. You can't help but smile.

"Do you want me to read you a story?" He asks her.

"No, not tonight. Let's just talk." She replies. She's starting to sound so much older.

"Okay what do you wanna talk about princess?"

"Will I be like mommy when I grow up?" She asks with a hopeful look in her eyes. "She's really pretty."

"She is VERY pretty." He starts and you can't help but blush. "And so are you. And when you grow up big like mommy you'll be gorgeous." He says smiling looking into her eyes.

"What's gorgeous?" She asks curiously.

"Gorgeous means super pretty. Super duper mega amazingly pretty." He says getting louder and tickling her tummy. She screams in joy. "Okay! Okay!" Her laughing gets quieter and quieter and when she stops, she starts to play with Nash's hair.

She pauses to think for a bit. "Where did I come from?"

"You came from mommy's tummy." He informs her.

"But how did I get there?"

Nash stutters, clearly not knowing what to say. Now you can't help but giggle silently to yourself.

"I'm I don't know...right now...I'll have to get back to you on that." Nash says smoothly.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"I heard you and mommy yelling at each other last night...do you two not love each other anymore?"

Your heart shatters.

"No. No no no no baby. I love mommy sooooo much. So much, and We will NEVER stop loving each other. I promise. You don't have to worry." He says smoothing her hair out and kissing her forehead.

I am such a lucky woman. You think to yourself.

"Good. I thought that mommy probably got mad at you because you can't seem to figure out where I came from." She said smartly.

Nash laughs.

At that moment you decide to knock on the door.

"Come in." (D/N)'s small voice says.

"Hey guys." You say smiling.

"Hey babe." "Hi mommy." Nash and (D/N) say at the same time.

"Whatcha guys doin?" You question even though you know the answer.

"Me and daddy were just talking. But I'm tired now. Can I go to sleep?" She states with a yawn.

"Yes darling" you lean over her bed and kiss her cheeks. As does Nash. "Love you (D/N)" you both say.

Nash kisses your temple and pulls you close. "I love you (Y/N)." He whispers. as you walk to your bedroom. You just snuggle into him more. "I love you too." You say tiredly.

"Wait!" (D/N) yells frantically. "Can we all sleep together tonight?"

You turn your head to Nash as he smirks. "Well, I guess one night couldn't hurt." You say as you and Nash both run back into the room and jump on your daughters bed only to snuggle in.

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