Shawn Mendes Imagine for ShawnMsMuffin

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Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth. Haha. Next update is about my life if you're interested and not too mad at me. 😅

Hope you like this Menna. 😊


Twas the night of Halloween muahahahahhahaa. Shawn and you had just watched a scary movie and were getting ready to have a crazy night. First was the haunted house, dinner, and then a Halloween party your best friend was hosting.

Since it's Halloween you obviously have to have a costume. Shawn claims you're too old to dress up but CMON, you were still a kid at heart.

You strutted out in front of your full body mirror and smiled. You were dressed in the typical angel costume. It wasn't stereotypically slutty version, it was more conserved but still very sexy.

"Shawn come on out." You yelled to the boy on the other side of the door. The door was pushed open slowly but Shawn was not to be found. "Shawn?" You walk slowly towards the door and through the hall to the living room. "Shawn this isn't fu-" ALL OF THE SUDDEN THE BASTARD JUMPS OUT AND SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.

You screamed and smacked him in the chest. "Hey Angel." He says smoothly like he didn't almost kill you. "I hate you." You deadpan.

"Oh no you don't." He says kissing your cheek. "How do I look?" He grins.

"Like Satan." You growl.

"Well that's the point sweetheart." He deeply chuckles. "Ready to go?" You nod, grab your things and walk out the door.


"Okay I change my mind I'm not going in bye." You say in panic. "Cmon it'll be fun. Get in the Halloween mood Menna." You looked at the ground in indecisiveness. "I'll protect you baby." He whispers hugging you.

"Fine." You loop your arm around his and hide behind him.

"You gotta be in the front." He says and your eyes widen. "UM NO YOU BITCHSTICK. ILL STAY BACK HERE."

"You'd rather feel like someone is constantly following you than have me behind you."

"I don't know you're pretty scary too...but alright."

When you first entered the haunted house it was really cheesy so you thought it wouldn't be so bad. You were completely wrong. Things were jumping out left and right, weird costumes and scary faces followed close behind. A few times you had to turn around and bury your face in Shawn's chest. But he encouraged you further.

Towards the end there was a room you had to go through to get out. The room was decorated with hanging needles on the ceilings and walls. This is where it's a big no. You hate needles. You turn around to tell Shawn but he's already running for the door. The door opens and he closes it behind him. A man with needles stuck into his face sneaks up behind you and this is where you lose it. You're really scared now. You run out of the room in tears, not even looking for Shawn you head out to the car.

"See Menna wasn't that fun?!" He shouted putting his arm around your shoulders. You pushed him off of you. "No it wasn't!" You barked.

He then noticed you were crying and began to feel terrible bad. "Menna...I...I'm sorry. I didn't know you were that scared. I promise no more scares tonight." He wiped your tears and hugged you close. "Cmon angel let's go cheer you up. We still have that party."

You sniffle and nod your head. He wraps his arms around you and walks to the car.


The party was in full swing. There was dancing, singing, drinking, games and such. Shawn made you feel better by dancing and singing to you like the dork he was and you were having a really good time...that is until the lights went out.

"Shawnnnn?" You questioned.

"I swear it wasn't me." He said laughing.


Am a little rusty.

Sorry I'm a terrible person for taking forever.

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