Imagine Your Fav

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sorry for being a cock muppet and making you wait so long i still love you i promise.


Its not smut ya nasty but damn it could have been. Muahaha.

If you care, I'll write a lil bit about what I've been up to and other writings I have planned!

Please vote and comment. Leave all your emotions and memos or anything you have to say on this chapter because it's the last one. :')

It's been a long time since I've said this my friends,

Enjoy. ~~~


"______" Your voice was a whisper. You couldn't speak any louder. You were trying but it was like something was sitting on your chest. On your throat. C'mon (y/n) try harder. "___-____." It came out a little louder this time. His walking came to a stop, but he didn't turn to look at me.

"____. Please don't leave. Please....."

"Why (y/n) ? Huh Why does it matter?" His voice booms through the halls.

You don't know why it had to be tonight. Why you had to chicken out. You and ____ have been dating for over a year and you just weren't one to blurt out feelings all the time. But you wanted to tell him you cared. You wanted to tell him how you feel. The way you don't say things makes it seems like you're hiding stuff. He would always ask you questions and you just couldn't answer. He was beginning to fear you didn't want him. You can never say how you're really feeling and it drove him mad.

Your palms were sweaty and your breathing was rapid. You didn't want him to go but you still couldn't say anything.

He rolls his eyes and turns around, huffing in annoyance. "I'm done (y/n). You can't say anything about how you're feeling? I can't do that. I don't deserve to be treated like that. It's like we're not even dating you don't talk to me like a couple talks to each other. So why should I stay and torture myself with you? " He says coldly with his back towards you.

He's walking away. If you don't tell him how you feel...You're going to lose him. Quit being scared. This is it. You have to tell him.

"Because...I- I love you." you whispered.

Besides the sound of your sniffling, it was silent. You were scared, no, terrified that he no longer felt the same.


"What?" He asked gently stopping.

"I said because I love you damn it!"

That's when you started crying.

"I, (full name), am in love with a dorky jack wagon named (his full name) okay!? There I said please, please don't leave me ____..."

You were praying that he felt the same way. Your prayers seemed to have been answered because in an instant he turned around and rushed towards you. "Fucking finally." He pulled you roughly to him and pressed his lips to yours. Your arms automatically wrap around his neck and you're lost in his lips.

You've never been so dependent on someone in my entire life. You're used to taking care of myself. You're and independent being and didn't need a man. Or so you thought. But____.____ makes you feel wanted. He makes you feel safe. He makes you laugh. And he's sexy as hell.

You unconsciously unlock your door and pull him into your apartment. You're kissing and touching, taking your jackets off and kicking shoes onto the floor. And somehow you guys end up on the living room floor in front of the fake fireplace. Blankets and pillows surrounding you.

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