Chapter 87: Clockwork Part 12

Start from the beginning

" she didn't." Jesse said in relief. "But a large box appeared, and it ate Lisa!"

"What?" Said Petra, probably not even surprised at this point. "Well, what do we do?"

Jesse looked at the divine constructs, still holding Axel and Luke. "Hey, the woman who summoned you is in trouble," Jesse yelled at them. "Go help her!"

They didn't do anything. Using the runes in his right eye, Jesse could only let out a frustrated breath when the description says that they only obey Raven. He doesn't need to hide the runes in his eye since the only conscious person is a blind redhead.

"... I'm going down there," Jesse hesitantly declared before rushing to the iron tower. "Raven needs help!"

"After what she has done?" Petra asked. "Jesse, she tried to kill your wife!"

"But I can't just let her die either!" Jesse snapped, ending the conversation. 'I won't be like my sister.' He thought to himself.


Raven's wings were completely broken. She broke her left arm when she hit the ground, and dragged her body away from the black box that erupted out of the ground before it ate PAMA.

The box started to melt, the mouth that was on top shifted towards the front. The mass of the box slowly pooled onto the snowy, fog-covered ground as Raven saw an Alluring Skull emerge from the mess.

The black mass started to compress and flow into the item, building out from under the Alluring Skull as the dark mass was dragged into it. Raven continued to drag her body away with her right arm, leaving a trail of blood behind that stained the book that's clipped to her belt.

She watched as a body formed as the rest of the black mass was dragged out of the ground, shaking it as it did. It continued like that for several minutes, making Raven worry of how much mass was being compressed into the being before her.

She can't see his face, every step he took sounded heavy and pained. The cold wind swayed his grey cloak that covered his body as black dust poured out of every opening.

He absorbed the final bits of carbon that were deep in the ground, peeling back the cover it provided for a disturbed Chai, and an angry PAMA. Raven Scribed the cloaked individual before her.

[???] Level ???

Class: ???

Title: ???

His voice sounded dead and hollow. "Get out of here," He turned to PAMA and Chai, the latter who drank the Potion of Teleportation, leaving behind Bailey's naked corpse. "You too, PAMA."

"Not until I kill Olivia," The artificial intelligence denied. "She's weakened and vulnerable." Not that it makes a difference when comparing Olivia when she's in good condition.

"But she's protected by those divine constructs," The abomination pointed a clawed finger at Jesse's group, the man in question started to run down the steps that are inside the iron wall. "Your Templar slave won't stand a chance since they don't have any Mana."

"And then you'll have to get pass her," He pointed towards Raven, using her book to repair her broken wings and limbs, using the lenses, which has the skill [Observe] placed on them, which Jess implanted in the eyeholes of the Alluring Skull. "That book of hers has unlimited divine energy; she will defeat you, and Jess needs that body intact."

"Then I will just get that book after I rip off her arms," PAMA growled before tensing; Jess is giving orders to one of its slaves, and will need all the labor in order for her plan to be pulled off.

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