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I feel like an idiot. I am so so so so sorry for putting Brandon instead of Brendon. I do admit I am new to the PATD fandom, lol sorry again. Don't hate me. I will NOT do it eeeevvvvveeeeerrrr again (:


I headed to the tumblr head quarters to go to some dumb meeting regarding the newest update. (Real update) I don't understand why I have to go, they said its because I was, and I quote "The biggest influence in the tumblr industry." I mean, im flattered, but seriously, what 18 year old wants to go to a meeting. Right, none of them do.

It turns out the update was regarding self harm, I have personally been there, done that, but that was in the past. When I was all emo and searching for a way out.

So now, when ever you search the tags like, eating disorder, self harm, etc., you get this warning and a hot line you can call if you need help.

I think it's a great idea, and I back it 110%. But that is not my main focus here. My main focus is Eric.

So here I am, in this boring meeting and then this guy like bursts into the room and everyone just stops talking, he looks around for a bit, my eyes meet with his and he apologizes and steps out into the next room. At that moment, even Acacia stopped being a bitch.

So after the meeting was said and done, I walk out to get my car and there he is again. Just like standing there like he knew where I parked my car.

He introduced himself as Eric and have me a smile. He had brown curly like hair and soft kind eyes. I replied with a simple Calum Hood. I asked him for his URL and he said he didn't have one.

"What do you mean you don't have a URL?"

"I mean, I dont have a tumblr. I just work here, at the headquarters." He smiled.

"Do you have a twitter?" I asked, it was pretty dumb that he didn't have an account for the place he worked at.

"No. I don't have anything multi media except for an Instagram which I hardly use. But I do have a cell phone."

Smooth, he was trying to get my number. I rose my eyebrows and nodded. "Good to know Mr...." I looked for a name tag.

"You can call me the man of your dreams." He tried to look serious and charming but failed. He spluttered out laughing and so did I.

"Flirting isn't my forte."

"Yeah I can tell. I'm guessing you're...." I leaded.

"Yeah, and you are to I hope?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm gay."

"Cool." He said awkwardly. "Well, bye my fellow gay companion." He waved.

"That was lame." I chuckled.

"You're lame." He retorted.

"No im not. I'm Punk Tumblr (see what i did there??) See you around I guess." I said Turning around the corner to my car and heading home. I felt his eyes stare into the back of my head until I heard a sigh and shuffling feet headed the opposite direction.

Michael hasn't talked to me which is strange, but relieving I guess, The concert still haunts me and I have that kiss on replay. It was just one kiss and it can't and won't mean a thing. I have bigger things ahead, much much bigger things, like the update and maybe even Eric. The song was emotional and could have brought out something inside of me, a wanting feeling, Michael was just...there. If it was with any other person I would have kissed them. I would have. I know I would.

Hayden is as pestering as ever, I haven't spoken a single word to her about the concert. She assumes we hooked up, even though I constantly deny it she won't have any of it.

"Hayden." I call out. "I'm hoooommmeeee."

"Great!" She comes out into the hall, arms filled to the tip of her chin in grocery bags. "You can help me with these."

"Why all the food? Hibernation time already." I joke, taking 4 bags from her skinny arms.

"No." She grumbles. "We're having a party." She grins sounding more excited.

"What for?" I ask, confused. Nobody would come, I don't know anyone in this area other than Eric.

"No reason." She shrugs.

"Who would come?" I ask. "You don't even know anyone here except for the pizza guy Luke and the video store guy Ash."

"Ashton...Luke...Jayden-" she begins.

"Sounds like a lame party, Jayden doesn't know you exist. She's just the girl next door." I roll my eyes. "Wow! Come to my party! There's the video shop boy who I have a crush on, and the bisexual Pizza boy, also my crazy ass neighbor! What fun!" I exaggerate.

"Jayden isn't crazy! She's my friend, a much better one than you at that!" She takes out a liter of coke.

"C'mon, she collects hamster merchandise." I moan. "She takes baths in her lake like its her personal bathtub."

"Well there's 19 other people I invited. So that's a total of 22 people. That's awesome if you ask me." She huffs.

"Random people around Sydney. That's not awesome."

"Well they aren't all random." She mutters.

"Oh yeah, like who?"

"Well Ashton said I was his 'Pal' that's pretty good, and Luke told me he liked The 1975, that could be confidential information you know."

"You're such a loser." I laugh.

"Am not!" She retorts back.

"Whatever, you have fun and have your little 'party' I'm going to bed." I bow to her. "Don't stay up too late sweetie, bed by 12." I Trot up into my room and lay down onto my bed and wait for sleep to take over.


When should I update??? Wednesdays are already taken, I thinking over the weekend, but when is best for ya'll???

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