Small Bump

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His smile lit up my world, like a lighthouse lit up the ocean. He protected me with his smile. I protected him with my life. He was perfect and I was nothing. Nothing compared to him, but yet he still loved me.

            He looked into my eyes, his face only mere inches away from my lips. His brown hair swirled lightly around his face. Not quite as curly as Harry’s but not quite as straight as Louis’s. It was perfect, like a professionally swirled ice cream cone. I loved his hair but I loved his eyes even more. They were such a gentle brown, they were comforting, and soft. He was that chocolate box that was there for me.

            “L-Liam.” I stuttered. I could feel his hot breathe on my cheek and his nose brushed right below my left eye. He didn’t wanna play games, so he kept his face in the same spot, as I pulled away.

            He dropped his head low. He didn’t care if I saw his disappointment.

            “I’m sorry. Niall, please don’t leave.” He said sadly. I was astonished, something has been up with him lately. Okay, I’m not going to act stupid and act like I don’t know that he loves me, but I just don’t know if I can feel the same way. I do love him, deep down I know I do but I don’t want to admit it to myself. He is my best friend, and plus, I can’t like a guy. I was surprised to even know that Liam was gay, but maybe hes not. Maybe he just likes me. I smiled, maybe I could be the same way.

            “Don’t worry about it Liam! Its all good.” I kissed his cheek like I usually do and punched his arm softly. Slowly, I turned around and I walked down the hallway of our resort hotel. A smell encased my nose. I needed food! The smell got stronger and stronger the farther I walked. I closed my eyes and followed my nose. I could have been walking for an hour but I didn’t care. My mind somewhere between the whole Liam thing and my stomach. WHAM! My eyes opened quickly to find a girl sitting on the floor. Around her were a bunch of cookies. She rubbed her head and looked up at me.

            “I’M SO SORRY!”

            “Hey, um….don‘t worry about it. Want a cookie?” She asked sweetly, handing me a cookie. I grinned and took a small bite. The buttery taste filled my mouth. The chocolate chips were melted to perfection, as soon as they touched my mouth it exploded. I closed my eyes and groaned. It was perfection.

            I hear a giggle beside me and opened them again. “Do you like them?” She grinned, her light brown hair fell on her face and cause her to tuck her small strands behind her ear. She had big blue eyes and long lashes. She had a beautiful smile, big lips and perfectly straight teeth. That made me self-concious about my crooked teeth.

             “How. What. This is perfection!” I tried to put words to my emotions. I smiled and took another bite. I couldn’t help but groan at the flavor.

            “Here you can have all of these, they were on the floor. And if you want I can always make you some.”

            “Yes please!” I almost yelled.

            She looked down and started rummaging through her bag that was beside her. She pulled out a pencil and a piece of paper. “Write your number on here and I will call you when its ready.”

            I smiled and nodded. I wrote down my number, 1-(406)-533-9877. I handed it back and we picked up the cookies together and in the end I walked down the hall. I wasn’t quite sure where I was going. I threw a cookie in my mouth and walked to that familiar room once again. I opened the door. The smell of aftershave floated around the room, and there over by the couch was Liam with just a towel around his waist. His fit body gleamed from the sparkling water. He left the room.

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